Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — PAT'S PENSION CLAIM. [ARTICLE]
'Mong tho«* who »fnt fr\'m oU Bn.igsto»u To help pat lhv Kehellioa Patnck D#oms Mtke McGown. On nt*CT » he!J whew hr»re men hU, Mowed down bv eannon hMl »nd she!l, P.aiek pcrforni«J hls dulr weil. Se> when tbe war w*s closed »t I»st, An l peas»on cl»ims *ere g«th'nng f«t, Pst for « smai! »Iiow*nce «sked. After ihe »urgeon took his nime, And fonnd th»t Pst cou!d wntr tū« i«me. He »sked ou wh»t he b»sed h;s el.uai. Paiiiek assnmed a look profonnd, For o’er his he.irt » scar was fonnd. C«nsed, uo donbt, by a bnl!et wonnd. Said he, “From p«ins here in ciy chest, That oft distttrb my m:dnight rest, A bullet must har« pierced my breastf” “AheunP »bsnnl!" the sarg»xm cried, “A hall throngh there, and yon had die»I, •T had pierved yoar Iung and heart beside:” “HoKi on!" said Pat, with some delight, “For, sir, in that d»y's awful tighl I had. like otLcrs, qnite a fright. The bnllets dew so ucar my faoe My heart jamped cle.tr out of iu plaee Into my moulh!” Pat won his case. T. F. P0RTEK.