Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
- ., - ■■ ' NOTICE. Mb. J. TT. Lnsixo is now thf» Advertisīng Agent and Solicitor for tbe Hawau Holokua. His reoeipt will be henc«forwani safficient for any sums owing to oor paper. (JEMENT $lDEW^Ll$ -0*1) durbing Laid.l Estimates given on all kinds of 0ton8, Woi^ C0XCBETE A SPECIALTT. JSO. F. BOWLKR. janl7 3m - * 1For Sale Apiece of valuable L-»nd situated on Nuuana i ivenue. iwo miles from town, b*low Mr. Coit Hobrou’s plaee, j containing 12 acres, partly GOOD TARO LAND about 150 feet on Nuoanu Avenue A small house on it. all fenced. A good investment. No reason- ! able figure refused. For furtber p*rticulars, plea.se applv t > this office. jan 18-2 wd W. S. LUCE Wine anel Spirit Mercliant C‘imirhell Fire-proof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU I Long Branch BATH I N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now I to the puhlie. It is the i best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and tbere is no better plaee to lay otl‘. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy balf bourand on Saturdays and Sundays eveiy | fifteen minutes. C. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. plaiional Irou Woi^l QC£EX Stbeet, Between Aiakea & Richard Sts. The uxnr.RsrGKED make >dl kmdd of | •re*prepared to Iron Brass. Brt>nze, Zinc, Tin aud Lead Caatings. Alao • j General Kepair Shop (or SU am Engines, Kioe Alili-i, Corn Milla, Water Wheel*, \Vind ililla, et ilaehinea for tbe Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oila, B*ans, Eamie. Siaal, | Learet» otber Fibrona PlanU, Aad Paper 8tock. Alao Maehine* for Extncting Starcb fro» tbe Manioe, Arruw Eoot, etc. AU|OrJei» ptoa>f tlj a.wande«l to. JVHITE, RITMAN (i CO. • C. T. AKAN’A (jepc5aiit lailop! 324 Nunann Street j AII Saits Gaaranteed | To Fit and in ihe Latest Style. IOloihee Cleaned aad Kepaired. i nol? 1