Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 26 Ianuali 1894 — Exempt From Roll-Call. [ARTICLE]
Exempt From Roll-Call.
John Warner a well-known long tiuie ineiubi*r of tlie old volunteer firo departmeut of this city aud iuter driver of Eugiue Co. No. 1. m the }'aid departmcut, died at the Queeu’s Hospital, iu tbis city, ou the 24th inst., aiid was bnried yesterday afteruoon in the “Fireman’s” plot iu >«uuauu cemetery. “Jack’’ as he was fauiiliaily called, was boru in Xew York, but was a long t.uie resideut of San Francisco before Jiis arnval here wheie he was an active meiuber amoog those whose d'ities and bravery were used iu the protectiou and care of life and property. The deceused was about forty years of age aud mauy appreciative old liiuo eomrudes were preseut at the last iites whieh took plaoe in the Catholic Cathedral.