Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — THE VOLCANO HOUSE. [ARTICLE]
Manager Peter Lee Is Interviewed. | In a loeal this moruing in the Advertiser the arrival to town of Mr. Peter Lee, the popular mauager of the \ oleano House was | announced in a manner whieh rominded the community of au I opisode whieh a certain “Doctor” Fr.edlander some weeks ago | asserted had takon plaee, and on whieh account he in the Star was taken seriously to task by Mr. Chester Doyle, oue of the actors 1in the said episode. The Advertiser is undoubtedly hostile towards the present manager, and it has been a puzzle to fathom the reasons f-r that paper’s animosity. Whether any of tho Castle family or their many de- ' pendents shoukl at present be f°und mdigent and desirous of | fattening hiraself on a manager’s j salary on the top of Kilauea or the talented editor has been as- ! sisted in his “refinement” by Dr. Friedlander while in Ger many, we do not know, bnt being desirous of learning the truth , a representative of this paper looked Captain Lee up and asked him a few questions whieh he ; cheerfully answered as fo!lows: R. Do you know Dr. Friedilandor? Lee. Yes. he was in Hilo pretending to buy coffee land. He vxsited the Volcano Honse thrce tiraes. I consider him a crank. 1 and I arrived at that impression Ih’e very first time that I met him and my subsequent meetings with hira on!y confirmed me in my opinion. j R - me an idea of why you think so. Lee. Mell ns an example of s c rankiness I will mentionthat ( one eTC «iing the "Doctor” eame j to the HoteI breathless and told j me tliat he now knew what | *talactites were made of, and that |by boiling thera he could disj so!ve them into sonp. At one o’eloek he got my Chinese eook to put six pieces into a pot of boxling water and boile<l them to seven in the evening. as hard as ] the water could boxl at whieh uour tbe eook eame to me and said: “No ean make soup; he I heap pakiin; wash matter haole? He heap foolly me. Me boil six hour. no get soft. He heap damn
{o ir Wbwu I aak* *l tlie ’ Do<- j tor” wh»t he mo;.nt uy tl.i t eook- j inj* bnsine », h * tobl me to.it .. eouki be done bec.ui--e he Imii drtmn*f so.” Do you **ant some mcre? R. No, th inks! Hnve you read Mr. Doyle's letter? Lee. les. Tbt»t is correct. Friedlander insnlted the ladies at the hoase, and acted like an ungentlemanly cor. Any manager of a hoiel woukl have fired him ! ont witbout fnrther explanation but the pecnliar situation of the | Volcauo Honse forbid me from going into extremes. R. Was nnybody inioxicated ; or drinking heavily among the guests or did yon hava mneh liqiK»r on the premises’ Lee. Very little was used and j no ‘hard stafl' whatever. In fact j the other guests complained strong lv. because I eoukl not aeeom- | odate them especially on the eve ; of New Yoar s. The ladies and j gentlemen who staid at the House enjoved themselves and celebrated the New Year in as pleasauc a raanner as tho limited aecomraodations of an isolat- 1 ed Hotel eoukl orfer and it is very mueh to be regretted khat tho good name of I tlie Volcano Honse should be impaired by the false statements i of a eonple of tramps as tbese so-called scieutific gentlemen. I have been in the Hotel business ; oa Hawaii for about ten yoars, partly in Pnnaluu, and partly on the Volcano, and I have never heard a complaint against roy manageraent. When I was iu the United States a short while ngo j visiting tho Chicago Fair I ruet manv of the people who had visited the Volcano, and everyone expressed their appreciation of the treatmont I had given i thera. R. Everv’thing isthen in good order in the Volcano Houso and the route? Lee. As far as I am concerned I ean say yes. The only trouble we have is with tbe transportation business, aud I trust that the managers of the Company j will soon correct that. The carriages whieh now transport passengers to the Hotel are at the samo tirao used as a meat cart, carriers, and freight drays. The passengers do not half enjoy the beautiful drive frora Hilo to the j Volcano House, because they are packed up in layers between bcef, mail bags, and kerosene oil tins. If that nuisance was abated, you woukl never hear a word from anybody against our Hotel. Come I up and see for yourself. R. Is anybody ‘down’ on you i personalIy, say in Hilo? Lee. I woukl ratbernotanswer that question, but you eau bet that I have my eyes peeleel for sq’ialls from that direction. But as long you fellows in Honolulu will put nn embargo on sucb j churaps as the Friedlander pair and keep them right here, we ; | will be all right.