Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE ’rovisional (loveniflieDt OFFICIAL L1ST OF ME.MBERS AND LOCATION OF BCREiDS. Exkcitttk Cor\cit. B. n.vo. Presideat of :he Provi-ion<' r. n em ment of the IsUnU-. an<l Miut«ter of Koreicn J. A. King, Mim«ter of the lnterior. >. V. n.imon. Mini<terof Pinaaee. W. O. Smith. Att<>raey-Cteneral. Ai)vtsory CorxciL. W. r. WiMor. Vioe-Pre5i<ient of the Pmv!sloaal Govenuoent of the Hawailon I<Un<1>. C. Bolte, Oeeil Brown, John Nott. John Ena. James F. Morsran, Kd. S hr. J.»<. P MenUonea. Chas. T. RiHlgers, eouaeiU John Emmelulh, E. D. Tennev. W F. AUen, Uenrj' W«terhou-e. A. Young. F. M. Hatch. Seeretary Ex. an<i A<lv. Stpreme Cockt. Hon. A. F. Judd, Chirf Instioe. Hon. R. K. Bickerton, Kir<t Assooia(e Justlce. Hon. , F. Frear, Sooon<l Ao.oiale Justioe. Hcnrv Smith. chlef Clerk. < '<en. Lne s, I)et*aty Clerk. C. K. lVtcr-<>n. -S<<‘ n<l Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Janes, Stenogrupher. ClKCrtT Jl'DGES. First Clrcuit : j£ 0*,. Seoond Cirouit (Mani) A. N. Kepoikai. Th;r<lan<l K«urthCircnits: (Hawaii)S. I. Austin Ki(th Cirouit: (Kauei) J. l!ar<ly. Officos aud C«urt-room in Court Honse. Kiug <treet. Sltting In Hjnolulu-The tir<l Monday iu Kebruary, May, Aug<i.«t and N< vember. DErARTMEXT or Kokkiok aff.urs. _Officeln Capitol Bnllding, K!ng street. His Exoelleney Sanford B. I)o;e, 'linlslerof Koreigu Affairs. Geo. C. Pottor. Seoret ry. " . llomee Wnght, Liouel Hart, Clerks. DErAKtMs.vror IsteriorOffice in Executive Buiiding, King street. Hls Excellenoy J. A. King, Minister of Interior. Chief Clerr. Joh \ A. Uass nger. A<sista.it Clerks: James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Stephen Mahaulu, (,eorgc R -s, Edw«rd S. Boy<L Bcreac of Aowccltcrs asd Forestky. Presldent: His ExoeIlenev the Minister of lnter!or. Wm. G Irwln. Ailan Herbert. John Ena, J <seph Mirsden, Commissiouer and Secretary. Chikfs of Bcreacs, Ikterior Dkpartmkkt. Snrveyor-GeneraI, W. D. A1exander. Supt. Publ,c Works, 'V. E. Ro,veh. >upt. Wator W .rks. Au<Ire» Brown. Inspector, E'eotric Llghts. John Cassi<iv. Registrar «f C uveva<ices, T. G. Thrum' Ro«d S\iporvlsor. II -noluiu, W. H Cummiugs. Chlef Englneer Kire Dept., Jas. 11. Hunt. Supt. Inaane Asylum, Dr. A. McWayue. Departmest of Fi.vance. Office, Executivc Buildlng, Klng »trcet, MlnL«ter of Fin\nce, Hls Exceilencv ?, M. D«mon. Au<lltor-General, George J. Ros,«. Kegistr«r of Acccunts, W. G. AsUIer. CIerk of Einanee OIHoe. E. V. Mclnerny. Col.eotor-General of Custom. Jjs. B. C*st!e. Tax Asseasor. Oiha. J ina. Sn w. Deputy Tax Asses«or. W. C. Weedon. Postn aster-General, J. Mort o»t. Onn» «rr.KAr. Office, Custora House, Espi»nad -. Fort street. Coiieotor-Gener«L J«s. B. C»stle. Deputy-Co’.eot >r F. B. McSt«oker. Hbrbonu«ster. C«ptaio A. Euller. Pon Surveyor. M. s S,!ider< Storeieep<r, George C. Str«teraeyer. DKPArtMEXT OF ATT<)RNE Y-<, KNkK iL. Offlee in Execntive Balldlng, King street. Attomey Goneral, W. 0. ?niitn. Deputv Atu>niey.Gener«l, O. K. WIIder. (Terk. J. M. Ke«. Marst<at. E. G. Hitcheock. (T-rk to M-rsh«l. 0. M. Dow. Doputy M«rsh«l. Arthur M. Brown. J«ilor iMha Pris*)ii, J. A. Low. Prison Pbysiciaa. Dr. C. B. Cooper. BOAJU> OF iMMK'.KAnoN. PmUoi, Bls Exce!l*nor J. A. Kicjr. Meniber of (be t>Mrd of tm aicrati->n: Hon. J B. Aihen-m, j«a, B. C«*tle. Hoe. A. S. C.t«h m, litia G. Speneer, Mark P. Kotrios >n. ScorvUry. »rt; Taylor. BoaKo of HkaL?h. Offlre in rmnndsof Court Hott«e Buf.>*lng. eonwi of MUUani aod Q ie.-a streeU. Memhm; Dr. Dav, Dr. Mlner. Dr. Andrewa. J T. Waterbocse Jfr . Jotu> En«. Tbea F. Lam :ig I and Attomey-tleQeraI Smilh. PreMdent—,toa. W. O Smiia Secret»ry —Oha*. W lrox. Eieeuū.e Offl«er—C. 8. Reynoid». Iusp«cter • d auiap» ol G«rboge Servic» —!_ L LoPlene. Inapeekoe—G. W. C. Jone». Pon Pbyslel« ), Dr.O. B. Aadrew*. IMape n«ārv. Dr. H. W. HuwaM. Leper aelUeme-il, Dr. K. K. Oiiver. Boalh OF EoeeanoH. Cvnxrt H >use Balldlag, Kiag *treet. Pretdd«it, Hoo. C. E. BUhop. Seere*»ry. W. J » ae» Smila. liu>peek.rul āehooU, A. T. Atkiasoa. Dwra.cr c<xmt. Poheo St«tk>c BnUdihg. Merehaht <lrwt A, 0. M. Kohenaoo, Maeiaimke. J«aha A. Thoo»p*oa, C;««