Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MWAJ1 HOLOt*Ui^, ; IS PCBL18HED Kverv AJ'ternoon EXCEPT SCXDAY BY THE Holomua ?ublishing Co. At King 8t. (Tbomas block), Houolulu, H. I. STOSCSIPTION, per Kontli, 50 Cts. Tho pa;->cr 5s ilelivere<! by Carricrs in the towu ainl Bubnrb». Sīuj;le Oopiea f jr Sale ut thc Newa OealoW aud at the Offioe of pnhliealion. EDMUHD N0RRIE. - • Edltor ABRAHAM FERHANDEZ , - Manager NOTICE. All Bnsincss Comniui>tcations shoiild be ad<lrosaed to Abrahiun Feruandez, Honolulu, H. I. Correspondence aud Conmmuirations for pnblication should l>e addr< , ss,‘d to the K«iitor Hawaii Holouiuu. N’o uotioe will be paid to auv aii )uymous eonimunieaiiou». Husiness C'ards A. P. PETEHSON, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. Offi<v: 11.1 Knahuiuanu Street, Honolulu Hawniian Islaud8. CHAKLES eilEIOm’ON, attounky at law. Offlce: 111 Kaahumanu Street, Honoluln Unwaiiau Islands. PAl'L NEUMANN, attorney at law. 314 Morcbaut Stroet. Honolulu, Mutual Tolephoue 415. CLAUENCE W. ASHFORT>, ATTOUXEY AXD OOUNEELLOU AT LAW. Offioe. OM C«pitol BuiMing, (Houolnlu Hai<), adjoining Post t.)ffivV, Uonoluln. J. M. DAV1DS0N, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, 306 Morcbant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. 180, Resideaoo 67. A. ROSA, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, No. 16 Kaahmn.ouu St., Houolula, Hawaiian Islauds. JOHN LOTA KAULŪKOU, ATTOUXEV AT l_AW, Office, ooruer Kiug ā Betbel Ste, LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Esmte uiul Oeneiul Auctioneer. Coraer Fort and Qn««n Slre«>ia, Horo'nln Fersonal atteuti<>a g vcn to of Furuiture, Keal Estate, Stock and Geaeral Mercbaadiee. Miioal loiephoao 23$.