Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 Ianuali 1894 — Value of the Eucalyptus Tree. [ARTICLE]
Value of the Eucalyptus Tree.
The value of theoaoalyptos tree orplant in pnlraonary troubles has been deraoustrated. Oil of ouealyptus is a valuable disinfectant. and its oxterual uso in cold is wide. It is said that iu localities where these plants grOw thicklv iramnnity from fevers is enjoyed, a suggestive fact that ought to bear fruit iu localities where fevers tlourish. And somebody further suggests to plaee in hospiiiil corridors, particularly hospitals where consumptivesand fever patients are treated, tubs aud pots of this plant to test its virtuos and if possible, derive benefit from it.