Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer arul Commission Merciiant. * SPECIALTEES; J. & P. Coats’ Maehine Thread Jonas Brocks’ Maehine Thread Barbour's Liuen Thread Pears’ Soap i » ; P. O. Bos 35S. Mutnal Telephone 3ō6 13 Kaahnmanu Street. I Hawaiian Opera Honse gaturday - Eveiiing, JANUARY 27. 189U — PapeWelI Appeapanee OF THE | • JVIisses • Albu • la a Complimentary Benefit temlereJ to Miss Rose Albu A Great Programrae Inoluding Gems of Operatic Music, English, Scotch, Irish, and Native Songs. Kindly Assisted by Mr. F. M. WakeAelO, Mr. F. A. \ r oight, Mr. H. Heitman, Herr H. Berger. Doors open at 7:30, eommenoe t»t 8. Box plan open 9 o’eloek Thursi day, at L. J. Levey’s. M. L. M. PLUNKETT, 1 jy24 4t Manager. i $5.00 REWARD! Lost or Strayed ONE b«_T horse has one vhite hind foot, , sm«U »hiu* *pot in (orr_W»d, a;.so haa ; Wnmaaalo Co.'s brand oo him Fiuder | pieaw return to LEWFR-S k OOOKfTS ■ Lambei Vard, aad receire r«Trtud. jnn24 -lwd.* POCXD MASTERS KOTICE. I ! ; Kotice ia berebr giren fo »11 penon». th*t thmis»t ti» Qorernment Ponnd a» M»kiki, 1 bt*ck marr. pooriy eomhnoa, vhit« »P't on the forehe*-l, twx> vhite I«m br»nd in'leaehhhUe; »n i 1 red hone, vbite *pc>l on the h-rehv*d »rul b»ck, oot vlute Lmd lrg, bnuid in ke>-nbnbk. AiirpenooorpMvxn thi* hone *rr ni|««steū tu oume *nd uke ibe -ame on or befure 12 o’eioek noon A SATr!’.DAV, F«b. 3, IMM. JAMES KUK.ONA, Poand Master. Mekiki. J*a. 2«, 19M.