Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — Tell-tale Letters. [ARTICLE]

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Tell-tale Letters.

The strongest confirmatory testimony, wLieh has thns far been presented to tbe conntry of the fidelity of the Blonnt report npon tho Hawaiian revolntion and how it was consummateil, has beeu found among the files of the Department of State. It is contained in Minister Stevens’ letter, from Honolnlu, of March 8, 1892. This despatch letter shows conclusively that our Minister had information with regar\l to the proposed overthrow of the Hawaiian Government and that his informstion eame directly from the projectors of the inj tendeil revolution. In view of its coutemplation be asked for special and most extraonlinary instruotions. snch as no oneeonM have asked for who was not in eompleie sympathy with the revo- , lotionists, and who was not fully [ advised in advance of their plans. ' | He desired to be instrneted if ' j he might not ”deviate from estab- ; lished international rnles and precedenW with regard to the | use of the Ui.itcd States Navy. f i In faot, he asked, in advanee of t' the revolution, to be instructed

to do prccisely the thing tbal • Commiss5oner Bionnt's report r states that he did when the revo l lntion actoally took plaee. The : Ietter is an exceedingly damag- : ing one, inasmnch as it appears i to nnqnestionably confirm the > contention of the Administration that the Government of tfae ’ Queen was overtbrown by the [ servauts of the Uniteil States. : Mr. Stevens says that the Secre- . • tary of State, Mr. Blaine, did not replv to this despatch, and it ean readily be snpposed that . he did not. The instrnctions > Minister Stevens asked fcr wero of so extranrdinarv a character as to remler it simply impossible for his Government to give them or even to consider them serionsly. Secretary Blaine, no doubt. . decided that silence woukl be the best answer of all sach a reqnest, as it woald be not only a tacit refusal to grant the iraproper ini strnctions asked for, bnt a merit|ed rebuke to tbe representative ’ of the Government asking for thom.--P/ii7a. Pub. LeJger.