Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 Ianuali 1894 — Miss Rose Albu’s Benefit. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Miss Rose Albu’s Benefit.

The event most talked about, in loeal music.il circles, is the ! coming beuefit concert to Miss i n i Bose Albu aud whieh is to take ; plaee on Saturday oveuing next, tbo 27th inst., at the Hawaiian Opera House. As previously stated, tho nnmbers ou tho programme will givo opportunity to hear tho benefici«ry (and her talented sister, Miss Julie Albu) at her best. As an additional inducement to be present will be the opportunity to hear Mr. Wakefield in vocal solos, Mr. F. A. Voigbt in a Zither so>o and Mr. H. Heitm«n in a vjolin solo.