Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. [ARTICLE]

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Books Added to the Loeal Llbraiy. — Tbe Honolnlu Libnry bas had lately added to its already nnmerous voloroes tbe following books, tbe great uuraber of whieh will be foand of value to-dsv, toraorrow, and to-morrow, The greater number of books here ' mentioned have beeu presented to the Library by friends of the institution. F«>Uowing is the liai: Out of the Sauset Sea: A. W. Tonrgee. The Ouo I Know the Best of All; Frances H. Burnett. The Snare of the F )wler; Mrs. Alexander. My Frieml the Murderer, and other Mysteries; 1 A. Conan Doyle. Z. Philips, L, Bvnner. The Ameiiean Girl at CŌllego: L. R. McCabe. The ; United States: 1492-1871; Goldwin Smith. Di«r\' of Sainuel Pepys, Vol. 3. Ten Years, Digging in Egypt: 1881—189*2. W. M. Petrie. Popular Goveruraent, Sir H S Maiue. Early History of Institutions; Sir H. S. Mayne Custom and Myth; IAn(1 r e w La n g po1 i - tical Science and Comparative I Constitutional Law; J. W. Bur- ! gess. Currency. Finance and j Banking; C. F. Dunbar. Historv of the People called Quakers William Sewel. Apology for the true Christian Divinity; Bobert Barclay. Journal of John Woolm«n. True Christian Baptisra and Oommunion; Josepb Phipps. ; Passages from the Life and Writ- ' ings of George Fox. Passages from the Life and Writings of William Penn.