Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — Significance of a Name. [ARTICLE]

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Significance of a Name.

I There is an iuteresting signifieanee in the fact that the reveuue cutter whieh brought instroctions to the United States Minister at Hawaii boars the uame of Thoiuas ; Corwin. one of the raost eloqueut and indopeudeut lcaders of the revolt against the domination of the slavo holder aristocracy. There was the same Jiugoism then as now; the phrase of | “manifest destiny” was originated in the questiou of fresh territory for the slave power to occnpy, just as it is now employed to bolstcr up scheraos of fortnue-huutiug speculators. Corwiu’s famous speech agaiust “unjnst natioual acquisition“ j awakened the mqral of the'’ nalion and bodarae a fam>>us portiou of the nationaI on»tory until we reached a stage wheu snch patriotic literature was relegated to the back-shelves. Its opeuing sentences are so pertineut to the schemes of the annexationists that they are well wortb quoting al the present timo: Mr. rresident, the uueasy dei sire to «ngment onr territory has depraved the moral sense and blighted tho otherwise keen sagacitv of onr people. Sad, ven* sad,arethe Iessons whieh Time | hus writteu for ns. Throngh and in them all I see notbing but tbe iufiexible execntion of tbat old 1 law whieh ordaius, «s cternal. the eanliiial mie, “Tuou sbalt , not covet tby ueighbor's goods. uor «nytbing that is hia.’’ Tonching the apeoial scherae of territoriai aggrandiremeut ihen

> in vopae, tbe Meiiean «nne*a ■ j tion. the apeeeh went to eonsūler * the lessons of history. e>pecially that of Napoleon. and concluded with tbat peroration whieh took j plaee araong onr forensic classics: So shall it be with yonrs. You > may cany tbem (yonr eagles) to the loftiest peaks of the Cor.lilieras; they inay wave. with inso- ! lent triumph, in the hall of the Monteznmas; the armetl men of Mexico may quail l>efore th».ai; | but tbe weakest hand in Meiieo, uplifte<l in prayer to the God of Jnstice, iuay eail duwn »g;iinst yon a Power in the presence of whieh the iron hearts of your warriors shall be tnrned into a.shes’.—Piti*burgh Disp'itch. m