Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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__ Tho Councils wore in session this rtfternoou. f AVe;ither wnrra, wind N. E.; ’ thorraometor 80 tlrooges. Light showersof rain prev;iiled | for a brief |>eriod h»st evening. Tho schooner I5angor s.iiletl vesterday afternoon for San Francisoo. The missionary brig Morning Stsr is ilue at Honolulu frora the j South Sea islands on March 10th. Tho barkentine Mary Winkloman arrived yesterd«y from Now- . castle, N. S. W., eonl-hulen. The Ertstoroft. a i»ritisli ship, eoal huleu. from Newoastle N. S. W. t arrived this afternoon. There was uo concert at the | Hotel last evoning but it is sup- | poeed that tho P. 0. band will ! give one there, this evcuing. — Mr. Peter the raauager of the Volcauo House, accompauicd i by his two daughters «nrived iu towu yesterday, by the Kiuau. Mes>rs. Irwin & Co. have tran- i sferred the agency of the Hawai-1 im Commercial Co. to Me&srs. Hackfeld A Co. No Warrimoo yet. as the H01.0mua goes to presa. The most reasonablo conjectur», for eauae of the delay, is bad weather acrosa | tbe Kockies. The benefit to i‘rof. George j Washington. the loc«l nnthority : on sparring. is to Uke plaee Siturday cvening at the old Armory, Queen sueet.

■ L "■■■" ■■ i There *re. said to be. aome change» in prospect, in the personnal of the chief o$cers of the Oaha jail. 1 The kerosene oil bronght by the barque Murtlia Davis. num bi-ring some 15.fj00 cases, has all been discharged. The Scots will hold their “Darns AnniTersaiy’’ smoking concert at their rooms this Thnrsday evening. Mr. Edmond Xorrie, the editor of the Holomua has been nnder the inAnenee of the grippe for several days past, but is now out again and on duty. Street-sprink!ers arebusy today laying the dust. A street sprii.kler 5n S.m Francisco at this tirae of the year. or any time. would give people a ehill. Grand climate this. Mr. George Diilinghani the manager of the Hawaiian Carriage Co. of this citv will fnrward h br;tke manufactured by ti..e establishraent, to the- Hawaiian eshibit at the Mid Winter Fair, as a specimen of Hawaiian industrv and raannfacture. Mr. W. D. Alexander Jr. is the publisber of a book entitled l “Orlando Chester or the young KiAeman of Virginia. ” The boo!; is adapted frora one of Sylvacus Cobb’s farnous stories and is translated into the Hawaiian Ianguage by Frank Metcalf. — News was received yesterday afternonn frora Waialua that the store of Alin, a Chinese, was burued to the ground aud the contents entirelv destroyed. It is reported that the fire is thonght to have boon the act of an ineen- ' diary, and an investigation is to be niade. A finely finished water color i pictnro of “Audroraeda rising from the sea, the haudiwork of Mr. Charles Good, now adorns tlie interior of Mmager Cunuiug ham s house of eall, yclept “the Anchor.” A “ghost’’ wftlked, on Fort street last night and eanie very near causing the tnrning in of an alarra for holp from the Citizens i Reserve. After a gathering of tho clans, »f polieo aud spies, a raid was made en the whiteshirted npparition; captnred and on arrival at the st;ition ihe prize was found to be a deaiented creature who had eame very near makiug his name historical in the annals of Hawaiian history. , Hname is r served on aeeounl i of his family.