Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — GORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We >lo not hold oursflves respousible for | j the opiuions or thi utterunces of our | correspondents.] Editob Holomua: i Many and varied have been the statemeuts presented to the American public as being the main cause of the revolution and overi thro\v of Qneen Liliuokalani s governraent, but none has ventared to state that such a movemeut was undertiken bv the i traitorous “raissionaries,” for the j “Greed after Money.” I attribute ■ the overthrow of the legitimate goverument to this above stated ; reason. They \vould ingnrgitato i tho islunds; were it posib!e that suoh was the mode of acquiriug great wealth and the inlluenee over the native Hawaiians. lt forms au important part to the causation of the iate revolution. It is au important addendum whieh shou!d never be forgotten during the long and prolouged crisis, wheu the causes of the Hawaiian ; revolution are being enumeruted I j and elucidated throughout the . Prdss of the world. To acquire great wealth and to j gain infiaenee over the nativo Hawaiians is the prevailing desire j of the missionaries. They crave and hanker after it! That ’Greed’ denominates and gnaws like a oanker wilhia their nnsatiate<l | breasts! It is their monomauia! Aud how ean it l»e possible that missionaries, aud men kmwn as such. be trustcd iu muking stato ments to the public as eveiy ■ woi\i will only serve to aggreg»to a mass of falsehoods. All the i, leaders and symj>athizers of the - provisional government have all ; , doue this, AnJ ean it be claimed that its party, cliqnes and organiz»tions, togelher with the rno- • i away sailors. bnmmers, snd ex-1 I convicts. that ccnstitule tbe only ; I I snpporters of the P.G. are honest I men? Uudoubiedly not i ! lt is a fact, substantially true. r that Ihe iuiss.onaries of this • country have marred the goodt ness of the teru, uoder whieh so ► mauy good and eminent men of the world axe embraced. Mi&aion-

«n ’ They are no long»r in the eyes of all, mi$sionaries they bave been de?titate of all honorable principles; tbey have looked ' apon all works whieh lea l to sa!vation as a seeondarv matter, but the atfairs of government, whieh may be appropriatelv cited in this iastacce, as a danting twig. they have quickly grasped, and take it to be a primitive matter. As a natur.il and logical inference, a person migbt ask. what sort of missionaries are there in Haw.iii Do they preach |of the roavl to Heaven, or of the ro;id to B<?elzebab‘s kiogdom. ; It is true, that they have preacheil of the former, bat unfortanately they have not kept np to what they taught; as to the Iatter tbey have given many eiamples to their flock of getting right there by not liviug up to their teaohir.gs; tbey are like nnto the Pharasee's of oIJ. whom C‘hrist stv leil —“ye hypocrites. " Youxg H\waiia.\. Qaite the latest fad in statiouery is a tawny onnge in co!or, wliieh is called “g'*ld of India/' and ou this the truly fashionable woman must write in green ink and secure her envelopes with green sealing wax. This greenery-yellowy eoiubination has nothing to recommer.d it. so it ean never heeome popular with ladies of artistic taste.