Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — THE COMING CONCERT. [ARTICLE]

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A Complimentary Farewell Benefit. • Tbe performance at the Hawaiian Opera Honse on next Saturday evening, when Miss Rose Albn's complimentvry benefit takes plaee, prumises to be the event of the season. Manager Plunkett bas been indefatigable j in working up an exceilent programme of events and the sweet singer sisters will be assisted by loeal talent. Tbe Hawaiiu Electric Co. haveall of theirarrangements perfected for liphting the entire building with incaudescent lights and tbat eveut of itse!f is a gocd “first uight" attraction. r Hawaiian Hospitality. r : ’ I Hon.W. H. Rick«rd has arranged for a day of pleasure for the officers of H. B. M. S. Champion, | at present iu tLis port. Events ou the progr-amme will eommeuee to-morrow at 10.30 i a. ra. at whieh time the partv will leave by special car frora the d«pot of the Oahu Rajlway and journey to the pre- : ciucts of tho well known Remond , Grove. There, host Rickard will present in detail vurioas eveuts provided for the amusement and comfort of his guests. The Quintetto club has been engaged to provide the musical portion of the festivities. The party will return to towu again by a special car at 8 p. m. The Honolulu Cricket club had a “iull house” la*t evening at the raeeting of morabers and tbe enthusiasm evinced gave iudicationthattheclubhadcome to stay. The five at the old Recreation grounds whieh proved so destructive to paraphernalia of the club has, to au extent, turned out a benefit as evidenced by the loeal assistance now beiug freely given ! to recoup the club’s losses. f , .