Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The bnrk Ceylon sailod for ( Sau Francisco, this nioruing. > : ( It is stated, on good authority, t that tho ccmont sidowalks now t beiug laid aro fireproof. Tho corner in koroseue oil | was of short dnration. Fricos to-day aie $2.‘20 j>or caso, for 1 bost. * 4 1 lf the fii*st horse that waa s brought to these Islands, is still Iiving, it passcd its 91st birthday j yestorday. i ] ! j Kumon aro current of large ] planlaiion interests being about ] to bo trausfer from ono busiucss house to another. t , | Tbe schoouor Aloha. whleh sailod yesterdiiy for Sau Fran- ' cisoo took a sugar cargo of lōlG tons, valueil at$90, 47ō. i Mr. W. A Wall, who has boen eugagod in surveying ou the 4 othor side of this Island, is ex- I pocted home. to to\vu, iu a few i davs. I * I ] The maehinen- of the Hawaiiau Eleetrio Co is \vorking woll and all costomors are now supplied with lights aud with motor- ; power. i , 1 , . t‘ The phouograph man is now , beseiged for trial tiokets in tho | ] transposition eonie&i Soveuty- | tvrois the highestnaiuberof wor\ls | yet reported. I j , The 4-muste<l schoouer liobert 1 1 Loweia arrivod iu port here yes- 1 torday, 17 Jays from Sau Francisco. The vessel briugs a 1 cirgo of geueral merchaodise to Messrs H. Hack|uld and Co. 1

No P. G. band concert at the Hotel last erening. James Kakona has a poanilmaster's notice in tbis issue. There is a reward ot!ered for a lost horse. See advertLseraent. It is reported taat the Hamakua correspondeut of a loeal paper is an unlettered Portaguese. Tije bark M irv Wiaklemtn itrrived from Newca.stle, N. S. Vi. this inorning. She is coal-laden. AIr. \V. H. Miller. an eitensive dealer in phosphates, is paviug a visit t? the Islands on business. Chnng Woo is on trial to-day in tbc District Court ou a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. There were two arrests noted at tho j»olice statiou to day viz;; two Hawuiians charged with gambling. The weather to-day has beeu 'omewhal sultrv althoogh the wiud vanes indicated a u?rtherly breeze. M jss Kaumoa and Mr. Johu K. Nakookoo are to be made one, at Kaumakapili ehuieh, this eveuiffg, at 7;J0 oeloek. C. S. Bradford denies the current statement that he is an applicant for the p->sition of appraiser. Don't thiuk anyone is. uow. Many Scots, wlio “hae” not “with Wallaee bled will assemble to night at the Tbistle Club’s roouis to celebrate a “Burus’ AnniverSary." A falso report was circulated this morniiig relative to the steamer Warrimoo being sigbted. She was uot sighted as the HoloMi A goes to [>ress. Thnuks aro tendered to Messrs. Castle & Cooko for an excelleutly engraved calendar, for 189-1, ad- , vertising the New £nglaud i Muluul Lifo Iusarauce Co. of Bostou. Don’t forget the ouportunity whieh will present itself on next Saturday eveuing to witness a grand exhibition of athlotics, at ; the bonefit for Prof. George | Washington. The trustees of the Hawaiian j Opem House havc contracted , with Mr. J. F. Bowler for a uow eemeni sidewalk and cement steps to thoir property. Work has beeu commeuced. ! —————— Tbe Hawaiian Cricket Club i has elected the following geut!emeu as otficers of the elul» for the : eusuiug year, viz; piesident Rev. V. U. Kiieai, vice-do, M. Brasch, sec. and treas. B. L. Auerbach. A pilot's chart of tho North Pacific oeean compiled by Lieut. U. T. Mays, of the UniteJ States Uydrographic departmeut, is to be publishod by the American govorumout. Tbe detail of the , map will bo very valu ible to i m iriners. ■ * ** 4 * •e» i I Tfaere w.is no “item ’ in the UolomOA rel.it lvo to polieo cartridges at Govoruiueut expense. If there had heen, aud eveu in error, it was uok the BulUtin'$ plaee to ehip iu. Aoli nie tan- i uoighbor, or, iu other words, dou‘t “monkey” with the Uolomta — The HoLoMUA acknowledges a eall bv Mr. W. Prestou Harrison * of Chicago who is here, iu the , “Paradise of tho Pacific” solely on a visit of rest and jdeasure,' entirely aside from bu>iuess. Mr. Harrisou is one of the pn>pritors aud editors of tbe Cnicago Time$. Accoiupauied by Mr. ltudolph Sj»reckels ( Mr. Harrisou called on tbe Queeu yesterday I and was strougly impresseii with tbe dignity aud beanng of Her Majcsty aud Lis gracious recepliou. Mr. Harrison will visit the Vulcano before his return to tbe Coast.