Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THE \mm\ -:- liovemoient OFFICIAL LIST OF ME.'IBERS AND LOCATION OF BOREiUS. ExKonrvE Cocxcit. B. IV»Ie. Presi«lent of tne Provt-i.ni«t ■ ;.tv,—. tner>t of tho Hi'aiun IsUrt(ls. a;t l Mīnis!er of KopeUn Aff<irs. .1. i. Kine. Mini-ter f Ihe Itit. r;or. M, Darnr>u, vii:ii»ter of Finsnee, " , 0. Siuith, Att jrney.Ge:>. rs!. Aj.VLs0HY Cocncil. W. C. \ViMer. Vioe-PresMeat of the Pr«ivl»tor.al Ooeemmenl of the davraiisn lslands 0. Boltc. l'eei! Brown, John Xott, •lohn Kna. Jamcs F. Jforvan, Kd. S hr. J >>. P. Mendonc*. Ch«». T. ih>drers. CouuclIs. John Kmmelulh, K. I>. Tenncv. W. F. Alleii, Henry Wsterhon«e, A. Vonnjr. F. M. lUUh. Secretsry K.x. and \ ’ Stpki:me Couht. Hon. A. F. Ju<M, Ch?< f Fnstice. Hon. R. F. Riokerton. First * s«ocinto Justioe. Mon. \\. F. Fro*«r, Se<-ond A» ciutc Justii*v. Hc :irv Sxnit *’, < hief < ‘>rk. i.iie s. IVpnty iTerk. C. F. IVtors >n. St*r n»l I>epnty Clerk. J. Walter Juue>. Steuojrrdpher. ClRCriT Jl DGES. First Circnit: { 0jhu S»cond !'ireuft (M • ni) V. N. Kepoikal. Th>rd and Kourth Cire >ts: ŪAuatin Fifth Circalt: (Kau«i) J. Hardy. Othoes and Conrt room in Conrt Hous", Klni: strect. Sittlnjr in II >nohiIn-The ti M>> d«y in Kebruary . \I«\, Aus”Jst and N«. vember. Departmkxt of Foeeios a ffA!RS. Otfice in Capltol Bulldtne, Klng strect. His Excell‘*ncy Banford B. Do.e, ilinlster of Foreixn Aff.iirs. Oeo. C. Potter. Seoret ry. W. Hor.ee Wright, Lionel Hart, Clerks. DePARTMESTOF I-STKE10R-OAioe in Executive BuiuLng, Kiug strect. His E.>tcellency J. A. Klng, M’nistorof Interior. Chicf CIers. Joh i A. H“'S nger. Assists.it Clerts: J.stnes H. Boyii. M K. KeohnK«lole. Klenhen Mahaulu, Oeon C. Ros.-. K«l\v«rd S, iloy;l. BURE,ir OF AGRICVLTC8J a.vd Foee.<trt. PrcsMent: llis K\ceilencv thv Minlster of Inter|or. Wa, r; lrwin, AINn Her:-rt, John Ens, J .-eph Mar-den, Cotnmis-ioner aad Seoretury. CHIEFS 0F BrREACS, ISTEltOR DKPAETMKST. Snrveyor-General, W D. A’- mider. Supt. P’iW e Works, V. E. Uo teii. Kupt. Watcr W ris, Andre»‘ I!rown. Inspcct<>r, EIeotric Lights. John C«ssl>ly. Kcglstrar C uveva ices, T. G. Thrura. Ko«d Supervis.>r. H noiuiu. W. II Cummihg*. Chief Englnevr Kire IK-pl., Jas. H. IIunt. bupt, Insaae Asylum, Dr. A. McWayne. DErAKTMEXT 0F FtNANC£. Otfice, Executive Building, King street. Miuister of Fiu»ne<. Hls Exoeilency r. M. Pimon. Andltor-Gencral, Ge >rg>> J. Roas. Kccistr- r >tf .\cccunts. W, G. A>V;..>y. Clerk of Klnanee Olfi -e. E. A. Mclnerny. CoIiector-Gvneral of Cnrtom, J >s. B. Caslte. Tax Aasessor. O thii. J ‘j«. Sn w Depnty Tax As>cs- -r. W. C. WeedOB. Pu«taiaster-Geaer«l, J. Mor: Oat, Cnt9» Bra*aC. Office, Curtom Housc. Esp'.anad -, Fort «treet. Coilector-Gcnera ? , J s. B Castle. Deputy-Co «>t >r* F. B. Mct-t -cker. H»rbo"r n«ster, Ca;>tatn A. Fu!ier. Port ';irveyor. M. N S .t>rl“is. Storekeep.r, Gcorge C. -Stratemeyer. DKPAKT*EffT 0F ATT0EXKT-GKXKRAL. OSce in Executire BuiMing. K:;ig street. Attorney-Gcneral. W. O. «milh. Deputy AUomey.OeneraI, G. K. Wilder. Clerk, J. M. Ke*. M*rsaai. E. G. H;tchcoek. Ckrk lo M-rsh»l. H. M. Dow. Deputy Marshai. Arthur M. Brown. Jailor 0*hu Prisr>u. J. A. l»>w. Prssoa PhysleUn. Dr. C. B. ?ooper. B->AtD 0T l*5ll'i«ATt >.V. Ppf«Meiit. 'Ma Exre".encv J. A. Kin*. Member o! the Bo*ri of ImmuenUon; »:on J. B. Athert -n. B. CartJe, Hoe. A. 5. Ciegh ra, J*mea O. spenwr. Mark P. K‘>btn> .t». seereury, Wray Tay>or. Boacd >f Hialth Office In rr >ur>d' of Court Hmae Butiding. eorner of Muiiaul aad Qt»<x.a rtreeu. Menshe«: Dr. Dar, IT Min- r, Dr. Aodrew», J. T. Waterhouse Jr, John Eu«. Theo. F. L*ii*»a# an>l Attomey-t»ei*eral imilh. Preshlent~ am. W. O sm;th SwW«ty nw W ieox. Exvejtire OAnr-C- B. RevnoM». itu{ecft>r a ;d iUkapiI oi Garhs#e aeoie* —L. L La Plerre. J:i»;«ct»r->j. W. C. Joues. P»rt Phy«rt* >, Dr.G. B. A idrew». l>t»p»rj*»rv. l»r. M. W. Hoa «rd. Leper Seulsuiedt. Dr. K. K. OU»«. Boaxp or Ewahi)». C«ctt U)tK KLc< atrvet. presidrt>i. Haa. C K. BNV p. •seereUr>. W. Jaai“* B-atta. ,u»l*vkrat xlr»A, A. T. Ukiaaoe, Dl#ThKT CoTST. Pvltt* ■oiidfr>M«eh*a: ia«5, A, G. M- RūUrrt um. M»|jisti«e. JanUt» A. Thampaoa,