Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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l$iisiue:ss; Cards i G. W. MACFABLANE & 00., • Impo3tes £nd Conimissioii ]VIerchaiits, Honolulu, - Hawaiiau Islamls THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfact uring Jev:dei Waichmaker. and ; Mclnercy Block. 40Ō Fort St., Honolulu. HARIUSON BROS., i ZST CONTRACTOES AXD BU1LDEES, 203 Fort St., Honolulu. MERCHANT S EXCHANGE. S. I. SHA\V, Propkietor, • i CIIOICF. LIQ UORS and FIXE BEER, Corner of King anel Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT I I I ■ Business of a Fkluciary X iture Tr»nsacted. Pronipt attention given to the management of Estates, GuarJianships, Trusts, etc„ etc., etc. » > Othoe a, ; Cartv.TĪght Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. PACIFIC 8AL00N. Comer King and Nuaann Streets. EDW. WOLTEB....Manager. The Finest selec*iou of IJQUOKS and ( BEER, sold auywhere iu tho to\vn. s Iirst-class attenJence. Call anJ judge for yourself. no 80-tf. FAT BOY.” 8AL00N ! P. McIXERXY, Fkoprictor, Fine Liquors. Winos and Beer. CoRNKR Bcthkl axd Hotel Sts. — j Kmpii*© Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Propr ietor. Fine Win6& Liqnoi% Eeei 5 , ALVTAYS OX HAXD. Comer Nunanu and Hotel Sueets Cell Telephonc 3S1. Post Offioe Box’_32. W.W. WRIGHT£S0N (’aniaie 4 Wmw MWn Ix All 1ts Bbaxohes. Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 79 and 80 King St., Honolula