Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I3usiue«s Oards H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gbocebi, Feed Store Ā' Baeery, Coruer of Kiug and Fort St.s., Houolulu. MACFARLANE & CO. DeaJers in Wlnes and Sj>ints K.aahamana S’rect, Honolulu. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTKACTOB AND BU1LDEK, 80 King St., Bell Telej>houe 107. F, H. REDW’ARD, CONTR>(’TOR axd Bi;nnER. No. 508 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiiau Islands. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. OOioe Honrs: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; .'1 to ō P.M. OHiee Tel. 6S2-MnT.\L-Resulence Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone 3S1. P. O, Box 32 W'. W'. W*1UGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO Kmg Street. Honolnln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,^ Corner of jKing and Bethel SU., Upstairs, Entrance on Kiug Streot. Opeiue Hours— From 0 a.in. to TJ m., 1 to 1 p.in. Sur.days excepted. J. FHILL1PS, PRACTICA1 PLUMBER. GAS.FITTER COPPER-SMITH,' Kouse and Ship Job W'oik Promptly Executed. No. >1 King Street, Honolulu. II. LOSE, 2sotarv Euhlie. Collcctor and Gencral Business Agent. Sub-Ageut for <cveraf of the Best FIRK ISSVRASCE COS. ā Mu(nal 'l'elephone >. P. O. Bv i 33S. Merehant street, Honolnlu. WING W0 TAI & Co.. No. 214 Nauanu Strret, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, ImpoTtert> &nd De*lers in GK.VL MERCHAXDIS£. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japauese Crock’ryware. Mattings. Yases of all kinii», Camphorwood Trunks. Rattan Chairs, a Fine .AiSoritaent of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Chines*e au*! Japaneso Teas of Latest IiujK>rt.itions, Iuspeotion of New Goods Kosj>ectfully SoIicited. Mulual Tel. 266, P. 0. Box 158.