Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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holom^IS rULLISHED Every xVfteriioon EXCEPT SUNDAV BY THE Holamua PublishingCo. At King St. (Tbomas hloek), Honolulu, H. 1. SU3SCS:?no:T, pcr Month, 50 Cts. The pa;>er is iltlivere<l bv C':trriers in the town «U'l *ubnrb>. Sim?le Copi<- fJr Sale at thc News De»ltr8 aud at the Of5ce of puhliealion. EūMUHO NORRIE. - - Editor ABRAHĀM FERHAVDEZ, ■ Mar)3ger NOTICE. All ]5usint.-.s Couioiurlcations shotild be addressed to Ahmham Fernandtz, Houoluln, H. I. Correspondence and Conimnuications (or puhliealion should 1k? aildn-ssed to the Editor llawoii Holomua. No uoiiee will be paid lo «ny auonyiuous wuiumuicatious. Husiuess (Tvrds A. r. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofll<v; 11.1 Kaahunmnn Str«vt, llonolnln Ilawaiiau Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Oflic- : 111 Kaahumann Strvet, Honolulu Hawaiiau Islauds, PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 11] i MercTiant Street, Houolulu, Mutual Telepbono 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOUNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OKl Cupitol Duilding, (Honolulu Uau>), adjoiuing Post c>ffitv, Houolulu. J. M. DAVn>SON, ATTOENEV AT LAW, 300 Mercbaut St., Oftiee (Mutual) TeL 180, Resiclence 07. A. ROSA, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, No. 10 Kaahumanu St., Houololo, Hawaiiau Islands. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Olliee, ooruer Kiug A Bcthel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estatc and General Auctioueer. Corn« Fort*and Qo«ea Streete. Personal atteutit*n given to Sales of Furniture, Real £state, Stock aud Geueral Merchaudise. Maiuai Tck»pbone 236,