Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]

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Successful Raids by Gcneral Scissors. There have been heaw innwdj on the l’mted States puhiie domaīn of late. but the Government stiil owna nearly a hiilion acre< —lVO,116,l>8o, to be exact. Of this however, 660,521),60) acres are in A!aska. and not likely to l>e ever brougbt into use. certaiuly not for many years to eouie, leaving 576,587,783 avai!ab!e in the other Staies and Territ rits. The j,>er capita of nioney in the United States, according to the statistics of the Direct*>r of M.sint, $25.17. The debt, less the smking lund, i? $12.12 per luad. In Great Britain the per eapila of money is $lv60 and i national dtbt $87.70. These &ccounts vary from month to month and year to year, b:it the ratio continuts about the same. The tnals of a nian collectlng bills sometimes take an annoyi:ig turn. One of those pleaaanl gentiemen stepped into an olHee, and, seeing the debtor talking to a number of lady friends, \vaited tiil he had leisure. \Vhereuj.an tho debtor turned to the collector with a very pleas.mt manner and s.iid: “I will loan you this mueh to-day. Come ag.iin whon you are hard up,” and smiled one of those smiles ihal crack a lookiug glass. The fir?t menlion of iee cream that is found in U. S. history appears to be in the aeeounl of the fcativities following Vasbington's Grst inanguration as President in ihe city of New YorK in 1789. Among the ices used on that oeeaeion was ice-creara, whieh is said to have been prepared, or at least suggested, by Dolly Adani9, then tho brightest star in socia! and dip!omalie circles. The new eonl’eelioii made quite a iensation at that time, and probably helpe<.l to increase tbe poptlarity of Dolly Adams. Dr. Koeppen iu his "Annale of Marine Hydrography and Meteor°logy,” pnb!ishe-i by ihe Observntory of Hamburg, detuils the efiects upon the waves of the »ea of different sorts of oil, and comes to ihe conclusion that saap pr»<luce9 still far saperior ffects. He re<' n - meuds Ihe use of black soap dissolved in 1000 times its weight ot water. An examinatio.i of the sa! va of a brge number of horses, dogs ar.d cats ias been mede in Home. In that of ihe hone, bacteria of the various kinds wt re f>»utld. The.se included three palhog-nic epeeiee, one of whieh was alm<»st invanably present, and migit have bien derived ftom grass and hay, as it exiet9 in the soil. The saliva of the eal waa very d ; fferent in appearance, and from it was isolated a new haeillu?. whieh is 9pecialiy pathogenic to rabbits and guir.ea pigs. The dog’9 saliva contained the largest v*riety of btct?rii, including among the patbogeatc kinds that of hoiia and carbcnc!es. Tbe mueh vex?d and mueh d;sputed question of the lofti*;st moanlain on tbe .Vortb Amenean continent b*9 at lasl been 9ellied. John Palridge, SecreUry of lbe Geographical Society of the Paci3c, b*# received a ltlUr from Ihe chief of the United States Coa«t and Geodelic 8arvey, Washingt>n, D. C.. stating that Mt. Or>a.iba. m Mexico, i9 ihe bighest. Th«exitt figuree. as forwardtd U> Secret«ry Partndge. are: Mt. Oriiaba, 18,61-4 ftec, Wt» St. KHa», 18/15. ' Th» o figures,” 9aid As9i»Uat SecreUry Trenar, ‘ are aulhenlie.'*