Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. * • | Mr. J. W. Lcxisq is now ths Advertising Agent an.i Solicitor for ihe Hawaii HoLoneA. Hi> receipt will be hencefonrani safficient for any sums owing to oar paper. dEMEWT glDEWJ[Ll$ AJTD durbing Laid. Estimates given on a!l kinds of i Stone, 1 Wm^l Co.N\RETE A SrECI.VLTY. JNO. F. BOWLER jan!7 3m Sale Apieoe of valuable L»nd sitaated on Nnuanu ivenue, two miles from towu, b‘low Mr. Coit Hobron’s plaee, containing 1*2 aores, partly 6000 TAR0 LANO about 150 feet : on Nunanu Avenue A small hoose on it. all fenced. A good iuvestment. No reasonable figure refused. For furtber p.rticulars, please apply to tbi.s oflice. jan lS-2wd FOUND A solid GOLD PIN on Nuuanu street, at noon tbis day. Tbe owuer eau obtiiu tbe Pin by proving ownership at tbis olliee, ! aud paying tbe usual expeusos. Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1801. janl7 Iw LEWiS & C0. Who!esale and Retail Grocers i AND PBOVISION DEALERS. i : FRESR CALIFORNI.V 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8au Francisco Steamer.j Salt Salmon* in 3arrels A SrECIALTY. iii Forl S(., Honolulu. Tel . 240, P. O. Do.x 297. J Long Branch BATH ING 1 Establishment. This First-class Batbing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe public. It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy ' a bath and there is no better plaee to lay ofT. Special aeeom-; modations for Ladies. Tramcarsi I pass the door eveiy' half hour and on Satnrdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. O. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. j C.T. | H/[ei t 05hilt lailoi*! 321 Nueann Street — i A.1I Suits» Cruaranteetl To Fit anl in the Latest Stj r le. Clothes Cleaned and Repaiml. ool7