Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 24 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawaiian Opera House ! — gaturday - Eveiimg, JANUARY 27. 1S9A Eai’eWelI Appearance 0F THE • JVIis82s • Albu • In a Complimentary Benefit tendered to Miss Hose Albn A Great Programrae Including Gems of Operatic Music. English, Scotch, Irish, and Native Songs. —- q Kindly Assisted by Mr. F. M. Wakefield, Mr. F. A. Mr. H. Heitman, Herr H. Berger. Doors open at 7:30, eommenee at 8. Box plan open 9 o’eloek Thursday, at L. J. Levey’s. M. L. M. PLUNKETT, jy214t Manager. $5.00 REWARD! Lost or Strayed ONE Kiv horse has oive while hind foot, smaU white spot in forehead. a!so has Waimanalo Co.'s brand on him Finder ple.ise return to LEWKRS ōe Lui&ber Vard, and receive rewatd. jan24 -lwd.* POUND MASTER'S NOTICE. Koliee is hereby givea to ail per«ons. ib*t there is at the G»>Ternment Pornd at Makihi, 1 b!ack mare, poorlr eomhlum, white sp>>i on the f .rebe*d, i»o whue !eg«, brand in tescribabl«; an<! 1 red horse, whitc spot on tbe (orebrwd and back. one white iund i !eg. brand iudescribalJe. Any penon or fersons <r»ning this horse are r«r)aested tu eome »nd uke the <une on *or heh'ie 12 o’eioek noon ol SATL'RDAY, Feb. 3. 1«H. JAMES KUKOKA. Pound Master. Makiki, Jan. 24. 1 v.*4. W. S. LUCE "Wine anel Spirit !Merchant Cimpbdl Fire-proof Block, MERCHANT ST. ; HONOLULU