Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 January 1894 — Life History of Ferns. [ARTICLE]

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Life History of Ferns.

At the p:\rdens OĪ Ihe Royal British Boticic society Professor Groves recently Jelivered an interesting lectare on tbe growth Iof fern.' Trncing the formstiou ■of fern» spores from the first slight sweliiug upon the under | s;de of the mature froud to the production of the perfect sori, or ' case; witb its countless dust-Iike | spores, the lecturer briefly sketched their further development; first as small green leaf. • like bodies. lying flat upon the soiI, throngh Ihe subsequent ; formatioQ and fertilization of I other spores arising from them to the second and fiu.nl birth of the j infaut fern. The “alteration” of | * generation.” as it is calied, | is that whieh dmdes ferns from I flowering plants; for, while true seevls, when planted, grow at onee iato the likeu«ss of their | parents, feru spores h:»ve to pass au iulermediate existence beforo they reach iheeame stage.— S{tc Yori Ad%vrii*er.