Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Bureau of lnform«tion is a thing of the past. The P G. Band gavo a moonIight coucert at Emma Square last evening. Tho Hawaiian bark MauuaAla, Captain Smith, is uow loa«ling t>ugar for Sau Fraucisco. The Mulual Tolephoue Cos., subscrib©rs now refer to book lists iustead of the antedeloviau card lists. Mr IV. P. Harrison a son of the lately assssiuated Mayor (Cartcr Harrison) of Chioago, is in town and ropresents the Chicago Times. The Cauadian and Australian 8teamsliip M arrimoo is due hcre to d«y, from Vancouver. Her news is mostly auticipated by the Mariposa. The Koloa Kauai, strike amougst plautation bands is rejK>rted to have been brought to au end by tho dischage of the etfemliug overseer. Another Richmoud in the field. C. S. Bradford. another lately arrival i'hwnieie correspoudent is said to be au applicaut for tle new appraisersliip. “Go it *»y hearties!’ Mossrs. Soreusou and Lyle,the mauagers of the Marine Railway. are re|>orted us giving full satisfactiou to the e«ptainsau*l agents of all vcsscls whieh mouut tbeir ways. Capt»iu 8mith of tLe Mauna Ala is the last who sings l»eir praise.

j t ■ ... I Bn‘>iQess. in all lines of tra«le t . is ruost dall. The PIanters Lal>or k Snpplv Co.. have adjonrned without date. The P G. Band will play at the Hawaiian Hotel thisevening. . j The stearaer J. A. Cammms sailed for Koolaa at 9 o’eloek this morning. — The stenraer Australi« will be due hero next S:«tarduy. with late Foreign News lor this port. Capt John Cook the hero of several exploit is under contract. j to bring one thonsand sheep frora Lanai to this city. Mr. Budolph Spreckelscalledat \Vasbington Plaee yesterday aud paid his respects to the Qneen. } { ————— There is a ruraor to the effect th.it preparatious are being made 1 i to arrarjge- for a Provisional , * Legislature. t [ * 1 i -> . i [ -The secret Leaguo rank aud . . li!e, will be regaled with an expose of mneh interest to thera in j : the near future. i i I i I * The benefit 13 be given to George Washington the loeal j colored boxer, will, from present indicatious prove a bumper. Members of the Cricket club I should not forget to be present [ ' at the meeting to be held at the Hawaiiau Hotel, at 7:30 o’eloek, I this evening Tho fonr masted schooner Aloha sailed for San Fraucisco (oday. Tbe prospects of a tweuty odd-days trip did not warrant the forwarding of any j mail. _ . Mrs. K. W. Andrews, Dr. , Anderson, Francis Gay, M iss | Halstead aml Rev. Father Libert | wore passeugers on the steamer Mikahala, ontward this monung. i The Meehanie s Union orgran- > . . » ization has boen re-arranged by the substitutiou of some namea > iu its former execative committee. , The Union in its entirety is ’ strong!v ou tho side of law and i order. A leper, Chiuese, wulked away * from the Kalihi la/.ar station lately and has uot since returned. [ He may be looking for a position as house-servant or eook, so people aro warued. The officers of the Planters’ Labor aud Supply Co., for tlie eusuing year are; president, W. Ci. lrwin; vice-president, F. A. , Schaefer; secretary, C. Bolto; troasurer, F. M. Swanzy; auditor, J. O. Carter. “Whale, O " “Where away Or Otl Waikiki, and rigbt ahead of CoI. Jim Sherwood's and the Sans Sonci Hotel. ; Bathers aro privileged to sport in tho same wators as the whales, without extra charge. Siuce Oct. 1, 189*2 to Oct. 23, 1893 Japauese to the number of -4045 mou aml 973 women havo arrived iu Honolnlu and from P thence been distributed on varions plantations. WLen the •4945 become voters the Japs will probably form secret polilieal clnbs. As osual; energetic Mr. Hob- , ron of the Hawaiian Exhibit wanis the latest and rarest novel- „ ty and his rost is now more disturbed, of uights. since the whales eame iut«» sight, His mueh desired shark has uot yet beeu captured. Miss Lanrita Kaae daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junins Kuae. of this citv, was married this morniug to Mr. Giovanni Long. The c«remony t«H»k v*lace at the Roman * Catholic Cathedral, aud was at- ; tended by a large couconrse of * friends aud invitcd gnests. » Captaiu Hayward of tho O. S. S. Mariposa was plaoeil upder bonds here. on the 20th iust., for 3 his appearanoe before tha Febroarv tenu of the Circnit Coort. - as tlie defeudant in a civd dams ago» suit for #10,000 aud. in r whieh. one Kalph K. Fost«r is s the the eooiplaiuanl. The eom5 plainaul is at present a guest at tho Hawaiiau HoteI.

Tlie BuUdin lias a plaDt«tion iiste<i that tarns oot 16.00*J tons o{ sagar per day. Stocks wanted. The phonograph is no* giving late mosical selections by the best artists. The steamer "Warrimoo had not been telepcned as the Holo* mi a goes to press. — The Portngnese are said to be about to perfect tbe organization of a secret poliiieal clnb. Crood news for the Government* h Tbe Secret Leagne bad a meeting last cvening at whieh some twenty persous weie elected to membership aml eight were rejected. It is no detriment to Port Surveyor Samlers to say that he was rejected, he is too good an Americau to be elected. The que?tion of the Hawaiian Nalional Band boys going for1 ward to the Midwinter Fairas representative of the masical ability of Hawaiians is a 0 .iiu being agitated. Strong objections | are made by them to anv change of leader even jf they should agree to go. A divorce is reported to have taken plaee, some time yesterday, betweeu two people well known in this commuuitv. The divorce is not regarded as absolute but is for tbo present at least mensa et (ora. The parties to | the affair are, polieeman Wagner and poliee bos$ Klemme. Mr. Budolph Spreckels and par- | tv left this morning for Maui on ' tho steamer W. G. Hall. Mr. I Spreckels who is the President of tho Hawaiian Comraercial aud Sugar Company will return to town next Saturday. Mr. C. A. Spreckels his brother is expected j to arrive here on that day by the Australia. Mr. aud Mrs. Giovan ni Long, the happy pair made one this raorning at tbe Koman Catholio Cathedral, took passage by tbe steamer W. G. Hall for a houeymoon at Koua, Hawaii. The wharf was crowded, with frieuds of the bridal pair, and on departure of the steaiuer a bombardmeut of rice, oranges and leis took plaee, whieh was botb interesting aud arausing to onlookers. One of the lately arrived steerage passengers from the Coast has latelv obtained a billet as a collector of a doctor’s bills. On a late tour in Emma street ho attempted to ingratiate hiraself iuto the favor of some natives of the gentler sex. In a spirit of 1 drollery the brownskinned matrons led the stranger to inj dulge in various pnrchases of : eatables and drinkablos whieh ' were mueli relished by hisgnests.