Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Pi-ovisional Govenmient i OFFICIAL LIST 0F ME.'lBEKS AND LOCATION . 0F UUllEk\:s. i Esecitive CocNcn.. >. B. INiīe. rr. i 'i lent of ihe rVovisi.i:ial f!ovemment of ihe UUml-. an.l Minister of Kt>rvUrn .*.ffafrs. J. -V. Kiiiu, Mini>ter the Interior. N. M. D»mmi. Ministerof Fi iance. 'V. O. Smith. Attorney-Geutral. AxmsOKY Cocxcil. \v C. W i!«ier, Viee l*resMent of the Pnn'iīlonal (Jovernment of the Uawailan UUn<ls. C. Bolte. Ceeil Krown, John Nott, John Ena. J«raes F. Mon;«n. Kd. > hr. Jo,«. P. Men<)«nea. Ch«s. T. Rodsers, CounclIs John Ēmraelnth. E. I). Tennev. W. K. AUeh. Henry W«terhouse. A. Vounr, F. M. H«trh, 8ecretary Ex. an<I A<lv. Stpkeme Cocrt. Hon. A. F. Jud.l, Chi >f tusiioe. Hon. K. K. Birkerton. Ftrst AssoeUte Justice. Hon. W. K. Krv>tr. Seeon<l Associ«te Ju-ti. e Hcnrv Smith. Chief CIerk. (ieo. Lne s, Depnty Clerk. e K. IVterson,Sec'n<l I»<-putv < 'I. rk. J. \Va!ter Jones, Stenographe'r. ClHCUIT JCIXjES. First Circnit: J J; £ { Oihu 8econdCircuit: (Msit<) A. N. Kepoikai. Th'r<l «n<l Kourthdrcnits: (H«wall)S. l_Austin Kifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. H«nly. Offiees and Court-room in Court Honse. Kine street. Sittinx in II >nolnlu-The fir-t Mou<l«y in Febru«ry, M«y, August and NovemDkp.vrtmest of Forkius ArF.viR.s. Officeln Capifol Kul!<lice, Klng street. His ExceIIeney Sanfor<l B. Iki.e, Miau-:er oi Koreign Aff«irs. Oeo. C. Pott<‘r, Secret ry. W. Horace Wright, Uou'el Uart. Clerks. DEP.VRTMEXTOr ISTERIOR OOiee in Executlve Buiiding, King strect, His Excellency J. A. Klng,Mlnlster of Inter!or. Chiei Cler«, Joh i n»jer. Assista.it Clerks: Jar.ie» H. Boyd, M. K Keohokaloie, Stephen Mahaulu, Oeorge C. K..--, Eilward S. Boyd. BCREVC OP AGRICCLTCBK AND FoREsTRT, President: His Excellencv tf>e Minister of Inter!or. \\ m. <> Irwin, Allaa Herherl. John Ena. Jxeph 31arsden, Commissloner aaa Secretary. Chiefs of Bcreacs, 1nterior Depabtment. Snrveyor-General, W. D. Alexsnder. Supt. PiihLe Worfcs, W. E. Ko.veli. ®dpt. Water W >rk«. Au<lrew Brown. Inspeclor. Electric Lights, John Css,«i.lv. Registrar<>f 0 uvevauces. T. G. Thrum'. RaaiiSupH.rvisor.lj nolmu. W. H Cunimitgs Chīef Enginerr Kire lK-t>t.. Ja». H. Hunt. Snpt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McW«yue. Dkpabtjiest c>r Kinanik. Office, Executivc Buil<ling, Klng *treet, vinls(cr of Kimnee, Hls Esc«llency 8. M. D«mon. An<Utor-GeneraI, George J. Ross. Recistr.rof Aee.'unl». W. v'.. Ashler. (.Terkof Kinanee Offi -e. E. V Mclnerny. Col:ect«r-General of Cnston . J ,s. B. <'«slle. Tax Assessor, O <hu, J >0». w. I Deputy T«x Asses»,r. W. e. Weeion. Pasta.asler Geucr*l, J. Uort U«t, ) Cri»ToM« BrnKAr. Office, Custom Hou«e. E«planade. Fort «treet. C->*lector-<Ienpra!, J<«, B Castie. Depaty <;o' eeloe F. 3. Mc8t -cker. H»rborraaster. Ctptain A. Fullcr. Port >urveyor. M. s «<n.!er» 8torekeeper, <Teorge C, >tr»temever. Dkp.vrt«ext op Attobnkt-Gcncbal. Offiee In Exemtivc BulMing, King «treet. Attomey-Gener«l. w. o. Saiith. lVputy Attomey.Wncral, G. K. Wii,ler. Clerk. J. M. Ke«. Manhai, E. O. Hitchcodk. < lvrk to M-r»La.. H. M, Do«. liepule Mar«hal. Arthur M. B»own. Jailur <>-ha Prisou. J. X. Lnr. Prisou Phys{ciaa. Dr. C. B. ■ ooper. Boaei> op Ix»: ;batmn. Pre»Ment, kh Eiee'lenee J. A. KIug Member ot the Ho«r>l >>f l - a oigratj >n Hon. J. B. Alhenoa. J«.-. B. CafHe. Hoa. A. f 8. t:w*h m, James G- 8pencer. Mark P. koh<B*>f». t 8ecietary, Wrmy Taj ior. Boabz> >p Hiitra. ( Office in croands of Crwrrt Boo*e B aiMlsg, wnier A MiUianl a»l vtae;a sfre:;s. Metnbers Pr. Day. Dr. Mln--r. I>r. Andrrm*. J. T. * aterhoo»e Jr., j'ofcn Ena, Theo. 7. hxunag , •ad Vttoraey lienen»! rmith. PmWml-Hao. W. O 8m.ta. . S*TetBry -eha*. V leax. 1 K*eeurtve Od«r~C. B Ke.'no'.-U, Iu»T«etor aud Manag-r of Garbage 8ervice —L. L La Hrrm In«|*v-tor—<j. W. C. Jooes. Pi>rt Phr«iriai, Dr. G. B. Aldre»». l>tspcn«arT. l»r. M. W How *rd- I Lepet 8etUeaMRll. Pr. E. K. OUrer. 1 1 Bovbd op Eaeeano*. Co«it U xme BaiLLac, Klog *treet. Pre« Wat, Hoa. C. K. Kivb' p. rweivt»ry, W. Jam«i «ali i. la«p*rt ,r oi itchoa)a, A. T. Alhlnaoo. ( t t DurBtvT Coc*t. « PoiWe 5U!!ati Palldir M< rehaat >L-e«t, ■\. G. M. IUibertKm, Mart«(ral«. Jamh* A. Thon»paun, CkgA