Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Biu iness Cards i H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Groceby, Feed Store A Bakery, Corner of f King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. MACFARLANE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahnmana Street, Honululu. e H. F. BERTELMANN. e 1 OONTBACTOB AND RUILDER, r 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. r F. H. REDWARD, CONTIUfTOR and EUU^EK. * S o. Ō06 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. r r 1 DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Offioe Hoursi 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Oi&oe Tel. 6S2-MrrrAL-Hesidence Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone 381. P. O. Box 32 1 W. W. WR1GHT A SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BKANCHES. 79 aud 8(1 Kmg Street, Honolnln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wrlght DEXTI8T,^f Corner of jKing and Bethe! Sts., Upstairs, £utrance on King Street. Office Hours—From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundavs excepted. J. PH1LL1P8, . PRACTICAL PLD.MBER, GAS.FITTEK COPPER SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. II. LOSE, Xotarv iPuhlie. lCollcctor a)id General Bns> ness Agent, Sufs-Agent for scveral of ihe Best FIRE LXSVRAXCE COS. Mntnal leiephone ». P. O. Bcx 338. Merchan« street, Honolalu. WIN6 W0 TAi 6l Co„ No. 214 Nuuanu Stxe«t, COMMISSION MERGHANTS. Impurters and De*l«n in GFX'L MERCHAXD1SE. Fine Mauila Cigars, Chiuese and Japanesd Crock’nware, Mattings, Vases of all kiuds. Camphorwood TrunLs. Rattan Chairs, a Fine Aasortiaent of Dress Siiks, Best , Brands of Chiuo.se aud Japuneso Teas of Latest ltuportaUon& inapeeiion of New Gooda Re* 8j>ectfully Solicited. Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. Box 158.