Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

NOTICE. { Mr. J. W. Ltxixo is now tha; A»Uertisicg Agent «in 1 Si>licitor for the Hawaii Holohua. Hi> receip; wiil ba henceforwani sofficient for auy sums owing to our paper. dEMENT gIDEWHl^ AND durbing Laid. Estimates given ou &I1 kin»ls of j&one, doi}cret8 1 CO.VCBETE A SrECIALTY. JNO. F. EOWLEE. ianl7 3m — : Sale Apiece o - valuable Liu»l sitn ted on Nuuauu Avenue, two tniles .'rora town. b a : low Mr. Coit Hobron’s plaee. containing 12 aoi-es. partly { GOOD TARO LANO about 150 feet ou Nuuanu Avenne A small bouse on it : all feuced A good investment. Xo reasonable fignre refused. For furthor pTrticulars, please apply to this ! office. jan i3-2wd FOUND A solid GOLD PIN on Nuuauu street, at noou this day. The owner ean ootain the Pin b\ proving ownership at this ofilcc, and paying the usnal expenses. Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1891, janl7 Iw I LEWIS & C0. Aholesa!e and Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNU 8ALM0N ON ICE Bv Every 8an Frani’iseo Salt Salmov IX B.VKREL3 a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. TeL 240, P. O. Box 2gj. Long Brancli BATH ING Establishment. ! This Fiist-cla.ss Bathmg Resort hns bocn enlarged und is now open to the puhlie. It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy I ‘ a bath and there is uo better plaee to lay ofi". Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every balf hourand ' on Saturd »ys and Sundays everjfifteen minutcs. ! 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. II C.T. AKANA 'i ! I lailop! »! 321 Neuanu Street A.1I Suits Guaranteecl | ? To Fit acd in the Latest , Style. 1 j Clothes Cieaneii and Rej aired. nol7