Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 23 January 1894 — PROPOSED STAMPS. [ARTICLE]
i New Designs in Hawaiian Postage. I 1 Postmaster-General Oat has received the proofs of tho forthcoroing issne of Hawaiian age stamps. drawings for whieh were furnished by Mr. Holdsworth. The stamps are made b\ the American Bank Note Conii pany and are exquisitelv designed. printetl aud colored. The one-cent stamp is oblong in sb ipe and orange in color. In the center is the new Hawaiian coat of arms, whieh is like tbe old one, except that the crown iis absent and eight stars take the plaee of two ancieut iahoo , stic'i.s. Tbe legends Hawaii ' above and "One Cent" helow, engraved upou scrol!s, eomplete tbe design. Tbe two-ceut stamp of the sepia shade of brown contains a fine eugraving of Houolulu harbor, with tbe sky and moontaius in tlie backgronnd. This stamp is a!so oblong. "Hawaii, in I white letters, and : Two Cents." in the same fill tho spaces above and helow—spaces whioh make a | sqnare about the viewlikea frame. Ou eaeh side is tbe word ‘ PosI tuge.” The next denomination is the five ceut stamp whieh has a groundwork of eamiine red. A horseshoe-shaped scroll arches i : half the surface and contains the words: "Hawaiian Islands Postage.” In the lower coruer are ' two numerals 5. Tbe middle of the stamp containsa picture of the Kamehameha statue, set araidst tropical foliage. The ten cent starap is very j strīking. It is of vivid grcen iu color and a big five-poiuted star stands in the center with palm ; trees waviog about it. Below is a scroll with ‘ ‘Hawaii aml bolow that, under a fancy turn of i dashes is the denomination mark, lOe. Tbe twenty five cent starap is colored blue. A fine medallion of President Dole is at the right I as the design is looked at, aml from bohind it, incliniug towards i tho left, is an Hawaiian tlag beyond and under whieh isadistant view of palms. An anchor under ! the medallion and the mark 25c. in a small s<}uare iu the lower ' left hand corner and "Hawaii, 1893,” above, completes the design. It is expected that the staraps will be ou s ile by Marcu 1. —Hawaiian *
This news caused a decided sensation, as the Princess is a ' granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria as well as a grand- ; daughter of the Prince Regent of , : Bavaria. But the sensation whieh the report of the marriage . I created is as nothing to the eonsternation caused iu imperial aud royal circles today by the ant noucement made by tbe Germania chief organ of tho clerical party, whieh declcres that Princess Eliz;ibeth w;is not married to Liontenant Siegfried, and tbat she is uot now married to hira, altbough they are living together. The adds other news whieh is nndoubtoilly raost paiui ful to the relatives of the Princess, but as it is not fit to be pnblished it is not contained in these disI patohes. I Geo. Gonld proposes to dodge . the taxes on some $30,000,000 of , personal property by raoving r from New York to New Jersey. Omaha, Dec. 30.—Oscar F. Spate bas fi;ed a petition for a dirorce frora his wife, Honorab ‘ Spate, on the gronnd the person 3 to whom he had been joined in j wedlock was % man. The Spates married in Ch:cago, March 17, ’ 1887. f lu Great Britain and Enrope . persons are perishing from cold, i while San Franciscans, all are of > them, grnmb)ing and sbiverII ing over a temperatnre of 40 deg. r above *ero. Satnrdv there was 5 lu some places a thin filra of iee »' qq wjtered sidewalks whieh 9 marks abont tbe extreme of San i Franoisco eoU.