Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 Ianuali 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Advertiser is fnrnishing its re;iders with n lot of se!ected ci ippiu{js from Ih'pahhe.m |*a* pers and qu«<t'ng llepahliem hen it<>rs »11 for f:»e pupose of b'»Uteri: g u;» t'ie wnuing li<'j>e« of t P G. rnen. Ti:e situ.ition in the States w.»s unaitored when the Maripos* left. There is uo doubt that Presideut CleTehmd s Hawaiian policv will be endorsed by tbe whole denoocratic partv whieh h>ld the iuajority both in the Seuate aiul iu the llouso. There is uot the slightest necessitv for the U. S. (roveruraent to declare war agaiust the temporarv governraeut of Hawaii, for the purpo.se of carrying out the policy outlined by Presideut Cleveland. Tlie loyal cit zens of Hawaii have received the raost encouraging assuarances from their friends iu the States and eau Ipok for final information by the Australia due here next Saturday. We desire to eall the attention of the Marshal to the fact that the jiistol practice whieh goes on in the Statiou Houso yard eieryday from early morn till dark. is, and has been, an intolerable uuisance to raany jieople occupying ofiices iu the buildings in the viciuitv. Why is tho raoney thus uselessly squaudered in this annoying and wasteful exj>onditure of war material? Is it to keep up the spirits of t.he P. G? or is it to trnin the special sj)ies how to shoot the very people who pay, not for the bread and butter, and thetrniningalone but, for the anuuuniiion expeuded Or perhaps, they are learning how to sboot at American blue juckets and marines? At all eveuts Mr. Marehal is, is right and proper that you eall a halt ou the destructivo and expeusive iustructions to your special array.