Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEMBERS AND LOCATION OF BDREAUS. ExEcnrTK Cocscil. 8. B- Hole. of tfie ProvWonsl Govornment of :he H**-»iUu IsUnds. «n.l MinUcer of Korelirn \ffdirs. J. A. Kin«. Mi;iister <>f the Iu:erior. s. M. Dunon, Ministerof Fin»nee. O. >mi!h, Attorney-Geaerai. Ai>vl>ory Cotxciu W.C. WUtler, Vlce-Presiilent of the Pno$islonal (k>verument of the Hawaiinn lsUmls. C. Bolte. Ceci! P>rown, John Nott. John Kn«, James K. Mcrstan. KcLS.hr. Jos. P. Memlonoa. Chas. T. Rodeers, eouneila. John Knimeluth E. D. Tenuev W. K Allen Henry Waterhouse A. Youne K. M. Uatch Secretary Kx. an.l Adv. Stpkeme Cmcrt. Hon. A. K. Jndd. rhief īoaiiee. Hon. K. K. Biekerton. Kir>t A»soelate Ja»tiee. Hon. W. K. Kr>'!ir. Seeond Assodate Justīee Hcnry Smlth. Chief Clerk. Geo. Lne s. Deputy Clerfc. C. K. Peterson,See >nd Deputy CIerk. J. Wa!ter Joues. >teuotrajiher. CiRClTT Jl DOES. First Circuit: J £ Oahn Second Cirenit: (Maui) A. N, Kepoikāi. Third «nd Kourth circuits: (H*wail)S. Au‘tin Fifth Cireuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. Offices and Conrt-room in Court Hou»e, Kiiur street. ēiuin* in Huiolulu-The first Monday in Kebru«ry, M«v, Aucust «nd Nc,vem Departme.vt of Kokei .n Affairs. Offiee in <’apitol Bulldiie, K!ng streef. Hls Kxceltency Saufor.I B. Dole. .<linisterof Korelirn Affairs. Oeo. C. Potter. Secret'ry. Hor«ce Wri(tht, Lionel Hart, Clerks. Departmentof IimuoaOHiee in Eiecutire Bui:ding. Klng street. H|* Exceilency J. A. King. Mlnlster of Interior. ehlei Clerk, Joh'i.A. Haaa nger. Assista.it Clerks: Jan-.es il. Bovd, M. K. Keoho kalole. 8tephen Mahaulu, Ocorsc e. KosE.iwanl S. Boyd. Bl reac of Aqricllttr« asd Foke.«try. Presnlent: Ili« Excellencv the Mlnister of !ntcrtor. Wm. G lrwin, Ailaii Herbert. John Ena. J.»seph M.:rsdeu, Commissloner ana Seoret«ry. Chiefs of Blreacs, Interior Defartment. >urvi-vor-General. W. D. A1exander J*upt. Puhlio Works. W. E. Koweli. >upt \\utor Wcrks. An.lrew Brown. lnspector, E!ectric Ujrhts. John i a«sldv. He(flstrar r.f C >uveTances, T. Thn:ra’ Rimd i»upcrvisor. Il .noluln, W. H i ummi-if> Chief Engineer Kire Dept.. Ja«. H. Hunt. Supt. lnsaue Asyium, Dr. A. McWayne. DEPvr.TME.NT 0F KlNANeE. OfBce. Execntive BuiMlng. King «treet. M!nl.«ter of Kiaanee, His Exoel!encv A. M D«mon. Andltor-(Uneral. Georire J. Rn«s. Kexistr«r of Acccunt«. W G. Ashlev. < >erk o{ Kiaanee Oflice, E. A. Mclnemv. I < oIleetor-General of Cn»tom, J«s B. < «stle. Tax Asse«sor, Oahu. J.>n*. Sh«vv [ Deputy Tax Assesaor. W. e, Weedon. Postn.«ster-Geaeral, J. Mort 0»t, Cl*toms Blrkal. I Otfiec, Ca«tom House. Esp!«nade. Fort «treet. ! Coilector-General, J>s. B. Castle. DepBty-CoI.evtor K. B. McStocker. H»rbor>n«»ter. C«ptaln A. Kuller. Port S>irveyor. M. N >mder«. Storekeeper. Geonse C. Slrat>.'meyer. Dbfartment <tr Attornet-Gcnervl. Office in Execatire BulMins. King »treet. Attoroev-Get>er«l. W. 0t Scrivh, I»epoly Attome> Oeoen’, G. K. WUder. <Terk. J. M. Kea. M«r«h*i, E. G. Uitchcock. < lerk to M»r«hal, U. M. Do«. Deputy Mar>hai. Arthur M. Brown. J«hor («hu Pri«on. J. A. Lsv. Prison Phy»ici«u. Dr. C. B. ■ ov>per. Boari> of !mmioration. Pr*«ldent. Hi* Exeel>nev J. A- Ktng. Member of the B>)«rd ot !ra.n: J cra:ion: Hon. J. B- Athert >n. Ja«. B. C«st>, Hon. A. ?- <Teghom, J«m«3 G. .'wu«r, MarE P. laUam. Seeret«ry, Wmy T«ykw. Bcard or Uealth. OAee tn KToacd< of Coart Hou«e BuiM lng. coraer of MūlUui «n 1 SJae«ro »irs-t«. Memhen: Dr D«r, Dr. Ml3-r. Dr. Ar»)n-ar«. J. T. W«!erhoose Jt. f John En*. Theo. E. Un>iii( aad AU*rwr-iiener«l saatth. PtwMtnl—Hoo. W. O^iaiih. Exeeutlvc u#«r-C. B. RernoRi». Ii»V*vtor «id G«rtiwre Serrtce — L. L La PSerte. Inspeetor—G. W. C. Joae«. Port PhysHiaa. i>r. G. B. .U>lre«*. L’lspen»a-if. Dr. H. W, K<n»*ni. Leper Se«t>atedt, l>r. K. K. OUver. Boar» or EheeanoN. Court Hoo.se BuiUiq(, C!a( MrcI. Pm*feet. koe C. R, Biahop. āto»Unt, W, J*on SoUta. loapeeU r of āehool», A. T. .iLklnaon. DtST*JCT CV>CRT. Poliee »utloa B»Ldm ;, Merehaat>tre«t. A.G. M. Roh«taoa. M«zi»tralv. J«mh» A. ThuiO{>»oR, C>er«.