Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 January 1894 — Holy Terrors. [ARTICLE]

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Holy Terrors.

A uumbor of traveling nien were hngging the hot-air register at the Liiulell and disonssing “bad men,” “ho!y terrors,’ ! hundits and other interesting aratars of evil, when Captain Jack Dnrty, an old Scotlaud Yard official, canght the speaker’s eye. “\\e dou’t have any raoro ‘bad meu’ iu Englaud, and tho professional highway man is uuknown. Of course, we have aome footpads, but the days of Dick Turpiu, Claudo Dnval and Kobin Ilood havo long gono bv. “I have uoticed that ‘bad mon’ and bandits do not flourish in Yankeeland. It is on!v iu the West and Soutli that they continuo in bnsiness on au extensivo scale. This is probably due to tho fact that tho Yankee, liko tho Englishraan, long ago got ovcr his dread of the ‘bad man.’ You eau no longer conjnro him out of his courngo by the magic of a name. Whenover an attempt is made to lay violeut hands on his purso ho tights, aud when he seizes the bnsiness end of a eontroversy soraebo<.ly is pretty apt to eome to grief. “When a gun is shoved nnder tho nose of a “free siler’ ho doesu’t stop to inqaire if the shover keeps a private graveyard. Instead of that he is seized with a morbid desire to become a bad man’ himself. No gung of cntthroats eouhl again terrorize Missouri as the Younger and Jaraes gangs onee did. Miss mri has learoed that no matter how ‘bad’ a man may bo, when tho brains are properly blown out bo will die. After riding roaghsbo<.l over the West and 8onth for years, these two g‘tngs coiobiued and attempted to do a little bnsiness in a Minnesota village. They snpposed lbnt tho names of Je»se Jamesand Cole Younger were suflicient to scnt the citizens into the cellar. but tbey were mistaken. A mi!d-manner-ed iittle doctor and a conntry constablo cbased the terorrs ont of town, killeil several of them and tbe redoobtable Yoaugers wore placed in the penitentiaiy for iife. The Jjmes on)y saved their haeon by ranning like scared coyotes. M innesota bad ontgrown tbe ‘bad man’ period. ‘ The eiperienco of the D.titons at Corteyvilie. Kansas, iudicates tbat tbe Sanriower State e m no iooger be terrorized by a n«me. ‘Badmen’ and baadits are oniv terrible in now conntries. Ben Tompson won!d have Usted abont forty seconds in oid or New Engiand. Some bow-legged dade woald have spit on his b«t. kiekeil him nnder the ehin aud waiked ap and Jown his vertebne the first time he st&rted to ‘run tbe town.’ I do uot mean to say tbat uew conntries are devoid of conrage. They have it ia abund«nce, but somehow tbey get tbe ide« after a maa has com. < nitted a number of saccessfui morders tb«t he is inviucible. Ohl eoautries know better.’’ —<Sf. Louia GUjt*-Lk mocrai.