Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 January 1894 — A Mixegd Up World. [ARTICLE]
A Mixegd Up World.
A mix«d ap woiii is ihts; Tooc-hed »:th both jor i If todsT i* bn»:ht with hli$s. gm( till eome kanonow. o*usot aaviad the t«S£(«d >k«ia, Tnr be»t u we autv. the Usk is v*io. Th« goid gleazx!s in the s*nd. The cload is rif&ed vsth hlao The sanlight kisses the Un-L The with it* lipe of dew. Light feet keep ūim to the masic sweet, While the uoam«r valks the &iient *tnet The serpent coils *roand Tho fragr*nt, blooming flower; Tbe f*Ise with the tme is found, la evenr vanishing hour, And we ue'er c*a draw * line between The gixKi *nd bad. in this str*nge scene. We he*r the solemn kuoll, For ihe lcvod one p«ssicxi away, Then the chimes of meny l>ell Thal tell of the vedding day. Both “friead aad bride" are decked la white. We weep. thon langh, in childish ddight. Thus it goes on hke a dream. Still pnlsing with joy an,d j ;un. A drama of mystical soeue, Forever tonche»i witb change. We sing and monrn. ws smile and sigh. As the shifting sceue goes swiftly by.