Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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dEMEBT g»l\Ll$ AMj (Ji , aiiit8 dui<bing Laid. £stimates given ou all kūuis of 0tone, (īoiieMe 1 W oi^ C0SCRETE A SPEC1ALTY. JNO. F. BOWLER. jaul7 3m I 1"or Sale Apiece of valuable Land sitoaied on Nnuann , ivenne, two miles from town, low Mr. Coit Hobrou's plaee. contaiuiug 12 acrcs, partly £ 6000 TAR0 LANO about 150 fcet, on Nuuanu Avenue I A sraall houso on it. all fencecl. 1 A good investment. No reason able figure refused. For further particulars, please applv to this office. jan 18-2wd U\irnislied Cottage TO LET AOOMn.El ELV FURNISHED COTTAGE ou Liliha St. opposite K'iakiui St. five minutes walk frooi Tmm Cors, ooutatuing Parlor, 2 bedrooms, iliuing roonj, fftutry, kitcheu aml l»athrooiu wilh patent-water-eloset, etc. Sai<l pie ni8es will be let to a mo<lerate rcntal. Po.ssession givtn imuieihately, apply at THIS OFFICE. J&n S—tf. FOUND A solid GOLD PIN on Nuuanu street, at noon this day. The owner ean obtain the Pin by proviug owuership at this office, and paying the usual expeuses. Honolulu, Jau. 17, 181H. janl7 Iw LEWIS & C0. Wholesaie and Retaii Grocers AND PB0V1SI0N DEALERS. FRESR CAL1F0RNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE Bv Everv 8au Franoisco Steamer. SALT SAL3tON' L\ Bibp.els A SlECIALTY. i m Fort Si., Honoiulu. Tel. ’240, P. O. Dox 297. • . Long 1 Brancli BATH 1N G 1 Establishment. i\ — This First-class Bathing Resort t I bas been enlarged and is now i j open to the puhlie. li is the i best plaee on the islands to enjoy 3 ; a bath and there is no better 5 plaee to lay otf. Special aeeomJ modatioas for Ladies. Tramcars . I pass the door every balf hourand l ; on Saturdays aud Sundays every 1 fifteen minutes. ‘| O. J. SHERWOOD , I Proprietor.