Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 22 Ianuali 1894 — NEWS NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Items of Morc or Lcss Intcrest. — j Peking has 1.300 poliee sta- . tions. Harrison is the only ex Fresident Iiving. ! Russsa s gold or.tput is incre3s- 1 ing. Italy wauts German capitalists j to loan her $1*20,000,000. The grip has caused many school houses in England to i tclose. The United States eiported 780,905,237 gallons. of petroleam Iast year. The cnltivation of sisal hemp is a promising future industiy of Florida. TheHouse of Oommon is known as the ‘Honse of Infiaenza.” In many German faetories cor- ( sets are forbidfien during workiug f hours. Great Britain’s revenue has fallon off more than $10,500,000 | iu niuo raonths. Vaillant, the Paris bombthrower, will be tried on the charge of attempted assassinai tion. Great Britain, France and Bussia eueh contribute $20,000 a vear to the civil list of the King : - | of Greece. Over 2,600 Algerian brigands i have beon killed or captured iu two months, exterminatiug the baud. Russia’s revenue fell off about $10,000,000 in the last nine mouths of 1893, compared with the similar period in 1892. At the American Embassy in Paris New Year’s day Mr. Eustis dispensed egg-nogg to sorae 300 distinguished eallei . China is muking great preparations for a fair to be held wilhin a year or two, whieh occurs everv ■ sixty vears. Her subjects from all over the world are expected attend. Mueh sutiering has beeu caused araoug the poor of Eome by the extremely cold weather. The snow was sevoral inehea deep. There were 315 suicides in j New York last year, agaiust 241 jiu 1892. They are pusbing things in Boston to complete thecutting of tbe Cape Cod eanal. Torouto has provided rooras tvhere the poor and homeless j ean find shelter during the night. Tho Gerraan-Americaus of Kansas are preparing for a vigorons anti-prohibition eam1 paigu. The Pennsylvania building at : the World’s Fair, whieh cost $75,000, has been sold for $2,500. The Governraent is to eiect at Sandy Hook a seurch light larger f thau tbe ono at the World’ Fair. There are only two survivors of the Wur of 1812, a third, Presley Sirapson, baving just died at Paris, Ky. Great suffering has been caused | iu England by tbo cold snap. lt is again reported at Eome j tbat Satolli will be raade a Cardinal in March. The Aztec Indians will shortly joiu the Yanis Indians iu tbeir fight against the Mexican Qovernment. General Willīams, who was captured by Borrilla’s troops at : Cbolutea, tried to escape and ’ was killed bv a sentrv. t Great Britain has five ships of | war at Eio Janeiro, and the United States will soon havo an equal * i number. Senatore Hill and Murphy of New York rofused to attend the official State dinner on tbe Pre- , sident’s invitation. The total vield of vrool in the * United States last year isestimated • at 564,356.000 pounds, the largest elip ever made in one year. Spain has at l:>st got tbe An- ■ 1 archists thorough!y frightened. , Ten leadere, under arrest, will be . executed in a few davs. ( * i The total value of the cn>p« of > | the United State s durirg 1892 is , eatiroated at of ; whieh the largest item is $750,000,- i i 000, worlh of hay. > j A bill to prohil»il the running of ? rai!ro«d trains, freight, passengere, . or even mail, iu Svuth Caroliua on r Sunday haa been introduced iu the » 1 Lsgislature in th~t Slale. - i Chariee Handerson of Wellston, OhiOj is fitti out an expedition

lo s«ek for tre»sure vbicb heelaima «ri« secreted ia a cave on aa ia!ao«i l io tbe Hawaiian group forty ye&r? | 3g-». The Denaocratsc liouae cauccs 1 h»s decided to consider the Tariff hill. and individuals ean roice ( their objections during the debate | and offer their propofed ameul- ; ments. The President and Mrs. CIeveIand gave their first ?Ute dinner in i bonor of the Cabinet at tbe White j Uouee Thur?«i»y night. Like a*l ?imilar event? it a hillianl I affair. Queen Victoria ha? already : reached and pa??ed the hihlieal {limil of man’? age; she i? in tbe seventy*fourth year of her age and ■ the fifly*sixth year of lier reigu. Stnator? Sherman and M rg*n favor Government aid for ihe ! Nicaragua O'anal. j T>vo hundred and fiiteen thou- | gand persons were vaccinated in i New Vork city in IS'J3. | Shirt? are being manufactnred j ihe Mas?achu?elts Slate Pnaon 1 despite the protesls cf labor or j gam*ations. Captain Baker of tbe Brazilian j cruiser Nitcberoy has had trou- ! ble with his crew and bad to shoot one or two of them in the j interest of discipline. War betweeu Honduras aud Nicaragua bas begun by the invasion of tbe former conutry. Nicaragna proposes to give help to Eonilla and the rebels. Thousauds are victims of tbe grip iu Philadelphia. The diseaso is less virulent than three years ago, but is specially prevaleut araong the young. Boston is haviug a great scare over the prevalence of small-pox and $5,000 appropriated by tbe Citv Council has been about expended in free vaccination. A 6-masted schooner, the first of its kind, with a capacity of 3,500 tons of eoal, is, it is said, to be con?tructed at a Camden, Maine, ship-yard for Boston eoaldealers. Gladstoue stated in the Comraons that tho British Government had no inteution of interfering, and was n.ot advised that it had any right to interfere iu Brazilian matters. Great Britain should uot protect comraerce agaiust all risks when landing cargoes. Tho Ways and Means Comraittee of the House has voted to levy a tax of 2 per cent against indiv idual iucomes of over $4,000 and against tho nct incomes frora corporations. It was also decided to increase the whisky tax 10 ceuts a gallon—frorn 90 cents . to $1—to be levied against whisky in, as well as out, of bond. —Two large oeean steamers are now en routo from the Atlantic Coast for Puget Souud. They will arrive there some time next month, and will carry passengers and freight between Sound points aud San Francisco dnring the Mid-Wiuter Fair period. The vessels are said to be the property of the Cauadian Pacific Railroad Company. Tbe British CoIumbia shingle- : makers have combined to keep up * prices. The Tai-payers’ Committee of One Hundred at Portland declared : Governor Pennoyer ? open letter to : Cleveland erroneous, misleading. injurioue and not substantiated by facts or conditrons of the $late. Mello’s sbips Kepuhliea and 1 Aquidabaa, have arrived »t Rio with rei«ifbrcements from theaouth. ’ YeIlow fever has broken out in ihe l city. Gcvernment troops fired on fhe German war ship Alexandrina Dec. 22, and the same day Peixoto was compelled to ap-jlogrie and aalule the German flag. Henrv B. Cliffbrd. who stnmp- ‘ ed New York State for Harrison, has been arrested in Xew York . for swindling prominent people. i Duriug the campuigu ho sold shares in a mythical smeitsng company, Philadelphia, Jan. 3.—A cot in grannlated sagar, placing it nominally at 4 cenis j»er pound but really at 3.74 eenU to favored rebate dealers. the lowest price on record, has been mado by the | Sogar TrosL Tbe object of the ; redacliun isto inffaence Congres6. Thcro are, however, several other caoses for the genoral trade dcpression whieh hus | limited buying as an important (actor. Another elemeni is the * increase in the Cubaxs crop,

i whieh for tho preseot seas«n i? esthuated at 1.006,000 ton». ; against S40,000, tons last year. Berlin, Dec. 29. —The Neue Nachrichten of Manieh on Dec oth annoonced that on the Sun dav previons 3! atGeaoa> tbe Priucess £lizabetb of Bava-I ria had been married to Lieatensnt Slegfried auf PuUenheim of the Bararian army. Chicago, Dec. 29.—Precvlergast the murderer of Carter H. Har-; risou, will bo hangevi for the crime. The ver\lict of tbe jan- | said it and the j>eople of Chicago approved it.