Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 20 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Peter (Jushara Jones has re- ' turnecl. Tho Mariposa will sail at 8 p. m. for the South. TheHawaiian exhil>it is mak'ne P inonev nt Sunsot citv. Preparations are being maele fora gniiul sbark huut to morrow. Tho Houolulu Cricket Club moet ou Tuesday evt»niuext. Pressuro of foreign uows prevents editorial coratueut in this issue. — The phonograph man received a lot of new selections by the Mariposa. Miss Marv H. Krout, an aunexatiouist correspondent, arrived by tho steamer. Dou t forget the beuefit concert to Mis> Kose Alhu on uext S.iturday night - Heaw raiu ahowen, kept eveu poiiee spies. otf the streets last eveuing and uight. Tho Advisory Couucil are re |>orted to have held a secret meeting this afternoon. Mr. Rndolpb Sprockels, sou of Hawaii’a frieud, has arrived here on a short busiue$s trip. It is supposed lh.it Mr. T. H. Davies gavo a diuuer to his employees this »fteruoou, The Mariposa arrivc-d this moruiug from SauFrancisco with Ucws dates to Jau. 13th iust.

Pjissengers booked by tlie Mariposa for tīie Sonfli *aro R. Stafford, Miaa SUflbrd and C. A. McI>owell. Professor Koehle a Californian entoraolog‘st has arrired to eon sult with Prof> '~or M*rsden on bngs and bligbt, etc. Eeligion and polities are eoinbined in a religio-politico eelebration at Kau, Hawaii, by Rev. K.uhane, Rep. Waipoilani and Rep. J. N Kapahu.