Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Ianuali 1894 — Let Justice Be Done. [ARTICLE]
Let Justice Be Done.
Tl»e ooly censure to whieh the admimstrātion at Wasbington is amenahle «u the matter of the Sandwicb lslands. is on aeeonni | of delav iu perfonoing its dutv as it is uow duing. The whole bnsiis in a imtshell. From pnrelv mereeujry raotrves. and in the rnterest of a handful of Ara*»ric m adventures and specnhu.ors. who are mere sqnatters, the H .rris »n adrainistration ( \r.»!ioi«t seuiblnnce of cause or wnrr«rat, dethroned bv n val force t’ne rightful sovere:gu. attempted to steul ihe islands and avowed a parpose to annex them. \vith their mongrel aml \lebased }»opnlation. to the l nited States. As it was ou the eve of oonsummatiou of the scheme, tho Cleveland admiuistration eame ii»to power aud at ouee c0Rinienced to uiulo the wicked work that had been done, and is now uear to eomuleliun of the task. It hus moved iu acoordanee with tbe maxim, “let jnstice be d. ne thbugh the heavens shonld-fall. ” At any aml every cost the Un i ted Sta(es were b»nnd to restore fcbe Sandwich Islands governraent tb the status it eujoyed bufore the piratical raid of mariues from a United States vessel of war was made uooii it. and rnaintain its iudo > pemleuee against all comei-s. Aml the admiuistration is simply dischargiug this obligation upon them. — Roche#ter Advcrtiscr.