Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Ianuali 1894 — P. G. Annexation Day. [ARTICLE]
P. G. Annexation Day.
————* Thr gk>TĪoe* *«nt«nth s Th«i gallaut daj » oVr. WhiW soa»e ct th* P. O, Thtii Lr*d - qn.te sorv Ther m thv peie'waOOn, And tnroeJ oot iu gr»nd arr*T F iUv>l U) the ehm. »ith bevr and go» On AnnM»Uon D»r. Tbere wo» oo demand for whiskej, Ti>- !’. (i'd. were U» poor. ou tiv honow. T»ke !nv <rord, for»tire Oue. < ff.red to soak hi* San,Uy snit, Erlr r.n vliit I 9»T Aa he wiehed to r*i>e a “fiver” On Anncxarion D«r. Tfae (imuiiw Ux> did cc*ebrate At the Shentz-•••<■ P 'm-: S.'me o{ U -i!> n-’- - mee ttos tri»re That nsed to f honlder br>ouis. Tb**r had gcven V*>£s of lsTer And with it th<>T did st«y l ptil they ilMine-l the harrels 1 .ry On Anoeiiitior. Dr y. The P«rtn£rnese marcbed ont in foroe As evervone conld see, Thev bnd inserihe<l npon their flag P. O. Pnrtn"nese. Th<“ir hand vronld stop a train ot cars Wbencver it wonld pl«y. I sonnded like nn e«rthqnake On Annexation D <y. īn the haek yar<l of Tim':i ?ecret I.engne Tbey erected rt fl«£r pole, I w:»tched the whole preoeedin<is Whils't the P. G's. dng the hole, I love the fl«g thnt flew from it Bnt wtill, I h«ve to ssy Some tongh “n*ngs” did nphohl it, On Annexation Day. TLe P. O. soldiers did porrt<le As thev forired to <1ril! in line, When the word of oommaml nas given S<>me were behind in time The speeehes n»ade that evening Has caused me now to say They may l»e on some foreign shore Next Annexation Dur. The S»'ott.