Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Ianuali 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]
Successful Raids by Gcneral Scissor5. Tne lale-ii thinc in fins: T-bowU īs a >ubie bowi. A -«hallow one is set in onother t*‘o lar2er. and the space between fil!ed \r.th siu!l b!.>S' >ms. The -mn.Ur - rl hi!Jts ihe water. Tiu etīect is charoiing. “I got my start in Iife through pickirg up a pin on the stret't. I had heen refused employment bv a banker. and on my vr.»y out [ saw a pin aud—“ “Oh, thunderl What a chesnut. Pve beord of ihal h >y -o oūen. The banker was impn-'ol wiih your carefultneas, and ca!led you haek and made you iiead of tho firm.’* ‘‘No. I saw the pin and pieknl it up, and sold it for$ōOO. !t was a diamond pin.” The ruby in the centre of the Maltesc cross on the t >p of the British crowu is the stone that was given to the Black Prince by K:ng Pedero of Casliie afU>r the haUle of N’aj.ira. Henry V. of Kng!.ind wore it in his helmel at the battle of Agincourt. 6ankruptcy rttnrus ahowa that the farmers are still amongst the most unlortunate class. In a rc* eenl perk>d of three nii nths over 90 farmers in England aud \Vales confessetl lhemselvcs financially ruined. A tallow c.uulle, cut in pieeea and wrapped in brown j>aj>er, will keep motbs frvim fnrs. Uuhbcr should b' carefu.lv kept away from oil, as oil softens and makea it unfit for use. Women sbou!d realize more fully ihan they do what a diffsrence it makes in their apparent years whether luey weir their hair high on their heads or low in t:.e n»vk. A ehil at Ihe naj)e of the neek wili take years aw >y from (iie nge. while one on thc crown cf the head will add a decade to tlie fres!iest schoolgirl. Plenty of elean towels is a decided luxury, even thuugh th*y may l»c «f the cheapest cjuality. To l>e 8ure, you netd ha!f a dozen that are 8ofl and fiae fur j>atting the face dry. We who are wise do not scrub the skin beyond tbe «hmider b!ades. Nec’r and face are genlly cared f»r in or<ler not to lo sen the »kin. As a soothing and co»>lir g aj)pliealion fur ihe skiu m>thing surj)asses a few - ices of fresh cacumber rubbed gently over ihe f«ce A fruit eake is great!y impr>ved by being steam*>d f >r two h>>urs btfure baking, and will mjoire about an hour’s less lime in baking. When the ey<» are ini! imed aj>ply a soft old handkercbief dnppir*g wilh water as hul a» ean be bornc. In ordinary burns and scabb, tbe first remedy shouid be tbe exclusioa of air frx>ra ihe inpimi part. Cottoi.-baUing dota th.s moet eiTectaal!y, A pretty way lo renovate a rattan cbxir whieh has becorae soiled u to haee it painUd hlaek and ther» varaished. F»r a decoration, run ribboa or uny bright shade thn>ogh the open- work border aud plaee a cu»hion uf the same shade in (be »eat, 6urnt crange. or any «b»de of yel!o«r, make» a love’y contrast wilh tbe hlaek. Knuwing one» don‘t wear their ring» uoder g!ove» witbout haring tbem lborougilv examined twice a year. saya a promment jeweler. The cons;ant friclion wears oul tbe tiny go!d poinU tbat b»Sd the st>nes iu plaee, aud unlw» slrict atte.itio i U paid l *tbe:othey beo>me looae in a very »hurt liiue.