Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Ianuali 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


{ We do aot boJ i oa«elT« fcr tb» o|xiūod« nr (be «Uenaw* of o.r terTHi»?aienb.l Emtor HoLi*xrA: Mr. H. T. Wxierhoa9» in hū* sj*eech at the P»lace sqo»re on the uigbt of the 17tb inst. saiil, The light has broken apen us — •we hav« lired ia darkness. Let cit now t tr.br ce the l ght Wb*t what ligbt. Mr. Editor, did Mr. Waterbouse inleuil. th«t we shouM embrace? I «lo uot kaow, an<l as he has left us iu t!ie dark as to vbat light he meiū. *Uo* tue to sopply the iuissing light for tbe information of the j»nblic aiul at the >arne tiaie Iet it be a remiu<.ler to us (Loyalists) <>f the many blessings whieh Hanaii bas enjoyeil umler tl»e rule of the only good. honest *nd paternal Provisional Government. Light to tmu traitors, to overthrow tbe legitimate Government, to rush to America aml otl'er tlie Islauds to L’nele Sam, to excel “Tom Pepper” in ttlling lies that tbey aie the imuers of the slolen fruit, to coustitute a Legislature frora among the favored few, without eousulting the pohlie, to orgauize a military force from ampng sailurs, buuimers. convicts, hoo<h»os etc. costing tlie couutry *1Ū4,000 to keep. to have posted at every promineut Loyalists ‘ citizen’s bouse ruffian cut-tbroats , to insuit the Queen with opprobious epithets; to sing sweetly to God eu San<lay’s, iu spite of being staniped traitors; to raiso oue's eye to Heaven, kee{>ing tho 1 other on the pocket. Dear fellow citizens, the.se aro onlv a few of the lights whioh 1 dear Henry Waterhouse wishes us to embrace aud be tbaukful for, truly the lights are varied in their tints and hues, snrpassing the many-coIored coats of Joseph, and we wouhl indeed be ungrate- j ful. if we did not fall on onr knees and thank Belzeebub for j the many favors witb whieh we , have beeu blessed witb, during tbe twelve months past; and to Uiank him tlmt Hawaii at last; is fouudtobesnch agood(honest),, paternal Governraent. Youn« Hawaiian. !

Euitor Holomua. (’ I bave wutobecI witb interest , your bght for tbe loyalist anel : rova!ist canse. aml bavo notecl *■ your indigaant and cbivalrous ' conduct agamst tbe charges j 1 of tbo missionarv traducers to- I warcls our Qnecn, and also ' against tbe geueral cbaige of im- i morality, maele here and abroad by missionaries, wbicb they i elaim exists to-day among the Hawaiian people. You bave threatened to retaliate ; in like I eoin, if tbese “niessengers of! peaee and good will” continuecl iu tbeir wbolesale traduction of * tbe Queen and ber people. It is truotbattbeseaccusations I have to a certaiu extent ceased, bere, but tbe calumny and whole- ; sale lyiug finrts vent as mucb as • ever in private correspondeuce, and in letters for pnblic«tion in tbe United States, especial!y, among the partisan republican ‘ press. Private letters from professing Christian women, anei men have occasionally reached tbe public tbrough tho medium of sorae over-ze.ilous friend of tbe annex»Uon cause, as fur instauce from Mr. Jodd, Mrs. W. : W. Hall. and Mrs. E. McCully, aud others of like nature. wlneh i bavo been pnblislied in the Uuited States. It may be trne —not perhaps | as mueh witb the Hawaiiaus as with auy other civilized race of people, if the cnrrent Iiterature of the Uuited States is balf true --tbat the morahty of the Hawas . i i«an people is iraperfect; but. i applieel by tbe rnle whieh Cbrist laid down to those who were too | williug to judge others. I emphaticaliv sav that uone of tbese j Chrisiian traduivrs aud accnsers 1« wil! pass the tcst auy more than 11 those who accnsed tbe poor 1i trembliug • sinner. ‘ 1 Tried before tbe ail-seeing eye »1 of the Crestor, tbese stalking < pagtxlits of iuup;ity themselves ’ i wouid as silentlv sliuk awav from 1 • * * sigbt as did tbose iu tbe iustance 2 j mentioned iu Seripture. 1 1

M h»t a ditf-.-renc<* in tbe eonduct hl the Master *nd thst of his disciples of t<>d*v! The one beaming with love. bīdding the *ccused to “go *nd sin no more while the whited sepnlchre o! to-ib»y: is villifying and nrging tbe coudecnnation an*l nationai extiuction of a whole race. less ?inful th*n tbemselves in order to gn»tifv their gree<l for power aud doliars. But wbo are these. and wbat are they, whoare posing as ae cusers and judgesf Waifs from across tbe oeean. who eome here in the garb of Christianity to point the w*ytoHeaven. to teach of a Kingdom to eome. to the Hawuiiau people, whose morals and criminal record will stand inspection e\{ually as well as these professing Cbr stiau frieuds and self-constituted superiors. Plaee the crirainal ca!endar of the Hawniian, under his own system of goveruraent whieh is fhe best proof of hi> morality, with that of those living under the inueh vannted Western civiIiz.ition and Cbri>tianity of to-day, whieh these men profess, snd anyone who has a kuowledge of the two will recognize that, witb all his defocts, the Hawaiian was in iuany rēspects a more raoral being a> compared to his selfish, grasping aml nerer satisfied teacber. Tlie I oue trusting and full of kindness, , the otber cunning and deceitful, preaching one thing and prac : ticing another; the one teachiug the others to empty tbemselves, while the spoilei-s gathered everything within their reach. As usual with the Americau raissionary of to day, (I speak of the Ameiiean Protestaut missionaiics in Hawaii.) tbey are too ready to forget thoir inner live> iu villifyiug their poor neighbors, a promineut ono of whom they now so loudIy emuleuiu. but at one time they Iauded to the skies frora pre?s aud pulpit. The ini consistency aiul criminality of i such couduct, coining from peo I ple, really gnilty of Uie ott’eaces | they accuse iu otbers, is quito apparent, as some of the most proiniuent of theru have borne the character of having skeletons witbin their closets. Let the subject be passed over for the preseut askiug all who perhaps nnwittingly, vilify a hospitable generous aud kiml 'people, to remeiuber tho words of the Master, who said: ‘With what measure yet iuete out to others, it shall be even so meted out to you,” and also, “Whatsoever ye do to one of these. my little ones, ye do it unto Me.’’ Molokai,