Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


No shark oa»ght vet. _ No •'iga of tho Mariposa as we go U) proas. | Thore « oro tivo ai n?sts to day for larceny. *■ • Woathor to day elo.-o and i nutggy, wind South. A apeeial partv paid a visit to Ewa Mill last ovening. Tho «toamer W. C«. Hall arrivod lroiu Hawaii and Maui this afteruoon. lt is nearlv tho middle of Jan- ! aiy and Jnon’s aoeouni has not ‘ been settlod yet. The P. («. band will probab!y give a concort at Makeo Island, Waikiki, this ovoning. « " ■■ I I Don t forgot the ocucert by! tbo Hawaiian Kaiional Baud at ■ Sans Sonci this ovoniug. The sidewalk law, passcd by j the last Legislatnre, is being i practically applieil in Uie city. Postuiastor Gencral Oat and bis assistauts are roady to laekle tbo oxj>ectcd hoavy uiail by the Marij>osa. Mr. T. W. Uobron is uow endeavoring to get loeal iuauufacturos forward sjteoimea8 of their haud-work to tho Hawaiian oxhibit at the Mid wiuter Fair. Smith s busses will Uke peoplo to ami from Saus Souci thisoveniug at ngul.tr ratcs of fare. Pieuty of op|K>rt>’.nity will be prei»antcd foi ail who may visit tbere to bs co;»veyed comft rub)y to aud from tbe coucert

! \ ” ' _ j • Tlje l>ovcotting' X<eague is tLe Utest sppeIlation for the mix- t ture whicb meets to-night in Kobiuson's Hull. The barkentine W. H. Diroonti «iiletl for the Co»st at noou today. TLe niail f<‘rwardcX eonsistcxl of ‘iō letters aml ŌŪO papers. “Truthful James” a former j bankrupt of Maui is reported as oo his w«y b ther from the Coast for a Governnieut posilion. Passage will be probab!y paid both ways. Kusiness around towu is very quiet to-(biy. A noticeable event on Hotel street was a heaw shipment of furnitnre by Ordway and Porter b> a loeal purchaser.