Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 Ianuali 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
If tho I»n11etin edilcr h ;*.i »»«3 tbat t 5, e ‘slule' T S3'staai vroolJ b* a i»tr.dy for P. O. |>.'tri -ts it wouia have in<iicvteJ th»t be had his w tī aboot hi’O n J pre%eute«l hi«error (?) in spcUi«g. “Slovd is not correct orthognpiiy for ‘ »liJe” Chris Back!ey ased it, with otheni. iu Califoru’a. SPkakino of tbe **»lide’ system the htody cf whieh is inh uJeJ uudoubtedly to be uuderti:keu here it muy bo safely s«iJ that we have nuw sume j>rominent trans'ent resulcutfi. (proioment for ii vear past) whoseexporieuce leaJs oue to euppoae that they eouhl hll tbo role of teaohers. b‘>me of these tnmsieuts have “slij” all the w«y fn>m Vuiicouver, eome from afihiugtou, sonie from Oregon, and several from Sau Fraucisco. l’hey eau all, huwover, ouly »lide oue way, aheaJ; they don’t slide backwardfi a!though all aro bact «liders! the l’. G. owns them ut present. Look baokward, gentlemen of tbo P. G. aml theu reveal to ua, if you will, whut you see iu yonr oligarohio reign, of oue whole year, to bo prouJ of. The same meu who were pushed inlo oliiee bv the prestige of Americau’s power, yot remain thero, not a Uand has been lifted against ♦ hem, yet you meet to-day behind breastworks of sand, gaarded by (ilieu solJiers, hessian like in their willmgness to kill for ooin, aml sloepat uight with yonr soveral homes specially guarded by your secret poliee. AVas this thus one yoar ago? Look backward, gentlemeu, upon thatpicture aud theu ou this. Tue saying, vouched for by Mr. S. M. Dumon, uttered by John F. Bowler is now historical; it crops up again iu various places oxcept in Mr. Alexander’s statement. Ho reported, Mr. Damon says: “While I waa in tho station house a man name Bowler saij to me. 'We are all prepared to resist, but will never fight ugainst tho Amoricau No Tixu Murray “American” about tbat! Thebe are times wheu pntience ceases to be a virtue and, al- , though we elaim a largerstock of that <|uality than our ooutempo rarios, wo are getting very tired waiting for tho official information whetber or not the Eieeutive Council ever had presented 1 to its noliee. by a member of the • AJvisory Counoil, in eecret ses 1 sion, a re«olution that the pass- ! l>orts of the Ameneau and Bri- ; tish Mmisters be returued to them. The uotes of the meetings duriug the first week in Deoem- i l»er will suply »11 needed official informatioo. AuJ, bv tbe wav, • * * I thore is anotber qnestion to be i a>koJ, later ou. Theo. B. Severin Secretarv of i the 8eeret League shoulJ not be allowed to bide his )ight under a bushel so the full ofiicial title is j given to his Ubors. It must be worso labor theu chasing a laying hen to ber nest by her footmarks, to decipber the Secr©- ■ t*ry'g chirograpbv. Axd why. may it be asked, did not the A<(tvrt,*r peHom tbe 1 the duty of au imparti*l and houest ehanuel fur tbe exuressioo * of puhlle opiuiou in its l*te one- ’ sidoJ *ud eovert atUck upon the | VoIc*no Houae Co., the m*nage-1 ment of Ihe Volcauo Honae in *he unsupported and dispuled 1 *utemeut cf strangeni ag*inst w>«M»of thegne»ta. Xo. to have done ao, to have pl*e«d ī» xts ** |
jCo ; :::ai 5 anvtbing whieh wuiihl provo its unreliability »nd tbe f*i!ibīiity of the * f..mily eompact" condoct of the P»| ier > > won 5 d h*re causcd it to prescut | , I the snspicion of being an honest |joarnsI. So, of a necessity. | reconrsc had to be h*d to the eolomna of a joornal whieh altbongb not. by journa!ist»c ethics, c<xopel!ed yet opened il» colnmns to a refntat:ou of tho slanderous a ttack upon the loeal indostry.