Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 Ianuali 1894 — GOLD-PLITED SHIP'S BOTTOMS. [ARTICLE]
This u th« lat«t norelty proraissed for scientific displaj. An English scientist describes how this ts poeaihle withoot coet. »nd how heneheial the plan wouid be. lt is 8implj the joining of ordinary copper 8beathiog to tbe negmlive pole of a galran!c balterr, aod in am*lgamating tbe whole external »urfaoe of the oopper witb mercary. “Under tbe inHuenee of iheeleeene current« paasiog traces of ihe precious metais, go!d »nd silrer. will be precipiUted from the water upon tbe »heathlQg, and will he there beld by tbe mercury ss ama!gam.' Tbe idea that go!d traeings exiat io the waters of the oeean is not new. and tbere seems to be no scientific okjectioa to tbe EngUshmso’s tbeory. Hs thioks tbe amalgam on tbecopper »bsathing wou)d keep a ship’» bottom free from hamaele*. and that eooug h precious metal could be obUmed to repay the exueo«e of securiog it. SSC If you ekm’i Uke the Bolowa. you doa’t gei tho uowa.