Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 Ianuali 1894 — The Value of Drawing. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Value of Drawing.

Mr. Thomas Woolner, R. A.. tells how Mr. Nasmyth of steam hnmmer fame onee gave him an illustration from personal experience of the value of drawing Mr. Nasmyth was traveling in Norway, and oue day in a wild, out of the way plaee reached an inn, very hungry, but unable to make the hostess underst;md his wants by anything be could say. He was considerably perplexed till he happily thought of his i peneil. He then carefully drew a dish in perspective, with steara rising from it. Besides thishe drew a plate, with a knife and fork, and on the other side of the dish a bottle and a wineglass. Wheu he had comp!eted this diagram of his wants, the face of thehost«ss brightened, and she at onee left him to execute his design. He theu went for a stroll and on returning fouud the pieture coraplete. Tbere was the bottle, with wineglass besides it; the plate, knife, and fork, and the dish covered. So as soon as dowu ‘ niine hostess lifted the cover, displaying a fine hot fowl tbat seut forth a cloud of steam. —Lonāon Til-Bits.