Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 Ianuali 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
(Wt do not hoW &araeivr* rwppa«ble fcr | ! the opiaio» or lbe Qttenaeoi af oai „ That Damnable Plot. I ' Editop. Holomi’a: Tbere are tirues in oor eiisti enoe that tmth when nttered. ; cutā keeuei tban a two edged j sword. The roere fact thal it is the troth, aud we know it, is i enongh to stir op a bile witbiu I us tbat is galling almost beyond | endurance. We are forced some- ' times to say things against onr ’ neighbors whieh pains os, but when we c<>nsider how unscrop-1 j lnoos they are in their dealing | witb ns, we are compelled to |. retnliate, to save our own credit. j We all remember what a great excitement was created in this community, some few montbs past, when those Jyuamite bombs were fonnd near the Qneen’s resi- ; dence, Washington plaee. We rcmember also, what a hue aiul 1 cry was raised ag.iinst tiie j “Royalists,” by the Advertiser { and Star (P. G. Organ), that they, i tbe so-called “Royalists” were going to blow up the Barracks • ; und massacre the Gabinet and ; raise Cain in general! that, in I order to save the precious necks ! of “ihoee hrave inen,'' whom President Dole refers to in his answer to the American Minister, tbe Barracks must be vacated as j soou as possible, or be blown to , kiugdom eomo, or some other plaee. Whatever feeling the exi citement may bave created iu the P. G. eamp, there was certainly 1 no ripple or any sign of trouble I in the “Royalist ’ ranks, the peo- ! ple kuowing full well it was no i hobby of their's, they kuew they ! ! were innoeeni of the charge made 1 against them, and, for that reason, they went aloug peacefully 1 as usnal, iu tho even tenor of their way knowiug that time would tell, who were guilty, or who were iunoceut. They tell us, “God moves in a mysterious way, his wonker to perform,” and this case, is no exception to the f rnle. Who would have thought that the very pei-son, the prime actor in the excitement (a P. G. OAieial) w r ould be the very man to admit that tbey, the Poliee themselves had done it? More especially when we remember the odium they endeavored to have heaped on tbe Royalists for I “committiug” the crime! Truly we eau see here the hand of an All Wise Providence uuravelling | the mystery, and bringing it home to where it belongs. I i wonder how the Marshal feels about it? Well; I will not ask hiin, it js known well enough without asking, tbe perdioament he nnds himself in, he is keeping j aileut about the whole transj aeiion. Tbere ia an t)ld saying, 'i tbe more you stir up an old w-e-1-1 “ipnkai hee” (squid in a i container, say three or fonr da} T s ! old) the more it sraells, and so it ! is with this whole business, tbe ! less he snys about it, the beiter, for it must be admitte<l “its a ' caulker.” Royalist.