Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 January 1894 — AGAIN OBJECTING. [ARTICLE]

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Japanese at Koloa Kauai Cease Work. Tbe Steamer Mikahala brings tho newe tbat a strike had occurcd amongst tbe Japanese laborers at tbe Koloa Plantation Kauai, aml that tbere seeroed to be indications of \vbat iuay bc serious • tro«ble. , Tbe uutnber of raen reported jto bave tbus cast aside their contract allegmnce for the tiroe being is stated as in the neighborbood of two hnndred and the strike. if not qnickly ended, is expected to result in Ioss to the plantation. The cause for the striko is reported to hnve been supplied by reasou of one of tbe wbite lonas , • , tlirasbing” one of tbe fieldbands. Otber Japanese saw tbe actiou, so it is said, and soou all bauds stopped work.