Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 18 January 1894 — LOcAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
No 11 ig is there, no Hng is there. Where? Ou the unpniH for i>ole. “In America we get in jail” \vas the transl«tion by a Latin, of one of the ijiscriptions on a tr»nsj).irency in tbe torchlight procesEiion last night. A cotuout liiilewalk is to be laiil l'elween Messra HoH'scblaeger'3 S ( Q auil the Anchor Saloon on S*loo n o'- n Kiu S Mr. J. F. Bow.’or hJ s takeu the ooutract. It was hoped thai tiie Holomua wonhi have beeo ©nabK' li to sentabig '‘aa” from Bi^ w6r4 Co to-day, but Mr. Joe C. xrt er $tates that the firtu will not advc r* tisethcreiu. ( Hon. U. W. Wileox gave a gar- ] den party »t hia sea-eide residen('e i on the UUh in«t., iu houor of ihe i fir>t yeariy anniversary of the birlh of hi» heir-«ppareaC and I who is uatnrd aArr ihe faiuous ] llahan Liberator, Garibaldi. The »rrivalof the barque Martha Davis from Boston yeeterday, has cau»cd quite a tlutter aniongst loeal apeculators in kenwene oil. Aitbough oone of tho oil i» ytl landed fīom her the sehing pnee in to«rn hae fallen froui #3.50 to $2.50 per case. The iiluminalion fast eveuiug of the Qoverument House, £xecutive building and grouuds adjoiuiug, \vas a »ry excellent displ«y and reflected very creditably upun the designers and decoraiers. S nuo f>»iks were tco »urlv * io supplv the numea uf decuraters but tbe Holomi*. kuow» thst coasidor«blo of tb> suceess vas due io the eieelneiau* of tue Hawaiiau £lociric Ligbt Co aud oi the Goverumeut plout.
The Dotorioas Joo Ferretm vd» ' > in cbarge of tbe pvrotechinc display whieh maele aptbQrear of tbe Portaguese procesaīon lasl night. i Tltere will be a concert by the Hawaiian Nation.il Baud at Sans ; Sonci neit Satarday erening. Tbe barkentine K(ikiUt, eap- ! tain Cutler, arrived yesterday j moruing. in port here 19 days frorn Prget Sound. She brings lamber t * W ildtr «k Co. I : . ! Memben»hip m»y now be ob ; tained in the Secret League without the form of appIic«tion; > and no one needs to be an Amerj iean citizen. The fire laddies make good • timo now in their practice rnns i and hose-laving. ; ; ' To day’s P.G. Chorns. “T!iere are evcnings when one ought • to stav at home.” The 17th was > • • one of tbem. i _ » Frauk Cooper the senior hose1 : mau of Eugine No. 2 has made many friends amongst his {ellow- > fireman siuco his hoist into , olliee. » —« _____ Mrs. W. 13. Ash is reported to have shot berself, by accident. Sho is now iii the Hospital in a dangerous condition. Inqniry for details is to be made. Six kegs of becr raade the Portuguese feel happy aud biisterous ■ after tbeir share in the torch!igbt 1 procession. Men, women and ! childreu indulged in the flow of iag'*r. The j.mitor of the Y. M. Christian Associalion marshaUd j the “kids,” 62 out of the total 128, I into line at tae start. — i There will be a meeting of the ! trustees of the Queen Ilospital to-morrow at 2 p. m. for adoplion of new rules and regalatione for ! 1 the institution. Tbe o!d time eon- j i stant eomplainle againet the j Hospit;il management are not I heard of Iate.