Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — A PEN PICTURE. [ARTICLE]
i Some Tmth and Some j FictioiL , i : ji Mr. S. B. DoIe is not going to i adrlress his faithfnl people tonigbt Tbe speechmsking has been left to smaller fry. The 1 1 irrepressible Attornev General W. O. Smith hrs been iudoceJ to blovr offhis steam. anvl oalline tbe policy of Ihe governraeut. j Messrs Hnrtwell, Smith (of the : | Star) nnd Jndge Robertson will i als» work their jaws. It is noticeable that none of the three last speakers were arouud a year | agi aud did not participste in ; tbe revolotion whieh they are goiug to glorify to nigbt. Mr. Hattweil who hds a little more _ • • seuse than the average miss:ouarv was ridicnled and laughed 1 at when he raised his i well - grouuded objections at i the preparatory meetings of the J revolutionisU on the 14th and | 15th of Janaary last year. He tberefore retired from the rebels and for a while kept aloof. To night he is to speak and poui pafriotisra iuto tho ears of the very i ‘polyglot’crowdwhich may asseinble on Palaee Sqoare under the ; decorati<-ns whieh reraind us of a lot of sailor s shirts hung ont for drying—while the ; platform, presnniably out of eomplimeut to L. A. Thurston looks like an every day fakir’s hoolli at a viliage fair. Messrs Roberti son, anel W. G. Smith were not | in tbis country a year ago and are tberefore especially fitted for making orations about that day. We hope Mr. Robertson will recitesomeof hisreminiscences frora his school-days whieh onght to be very fresh in his miud while Mr. Smith should speak or sing over the theme “When I was filibnster.” The male schooI-martu from Punahou is also advertised to do the necessary amount of spread-eagleism while the assera bly will be thrown into eouelusions when “Suorting Jira’’ sputters out his patriotic sentiments. If he does. UOLOMUA HYPOTHESIS. * - £• ' I i If Mr. Dole should have accepted an invitation to eome forward and address tbe aliens who by unlawful and condemned raeans have nsurped the reins of this government what could he have said. He would have looked into bis own heart, and he might have lifted his voice and said: My fnends! (faugh !) •* We staihl on tbe top of a volcano, we find onrselves tonight on the edge of an abyss. Against my wish and against roy better judgment you have decided tbat an official celebration of this day should tnke plaee, and as usually, I and my colleagues have submitted to your demand. But, my friends, what have we to look back on in the past year. whic]j shon!d encourage us to celebrato, and iu festive manneU celebrate the day whieh looks to me as tbe most unfortunate in the Hawaiian history. Have we gained the object for whieh we gathered together a year ago? No. Defeat stares ns in the face 1 and not alone defeat in regard to annexation, but the humiliating, the cruāhing, knowledge that tbe government whieh that patriotic Amenean John L. 8tevens helped us to institute is denounced and I snubbed by the powers of ihe world. You have noticed that ■ the naval ships of America, i Great Britaia and Japan lying in : our harbor have* ignured the i celebration of, whai you elaim to 1 be, our naiional faoliday. Toa mnst have remarked ibai ihe representatives of the powers j whom I steadily have decl«red io ! j be friendly lo os bave omiited | to eall (in morning dress) on j me m my palaee alihongh, | »y secretarv and A. D. C. : jthe gallant, Majah Potter has | iuvited ihem. All ihia beloved Jriends indicate that ihe jig ts np and tbatyou have (orcod me to ‘ assist yon in frying yoor fish be- I | fore you hare caught ihem to borrow one of the cbeatnuts ol i our aneodote-prodooing friend Mr. Tonng. And Heavens! . what have we to look back io. , The paai year haa beep madced j by a nomber ol ootragee and ,
bluiulers-*e among onr! selves. Weliave ruined tmde aml conimerce. Se»rly «11 tl* e < men « ho stood by us a year ago j h«ve deserted our eauae and «re | cureing ns for our ingratitude. j - Only those who have got boodle ji!»ve remained f u’lhlnl- 1 j|y heahh is broken down £rom ! * wortying. I have had to stand j < tbe he«rt-rending insult of seeing an Amenean Mmister eomo into mv own (at least at present) hal ,nd ask me to And friends I dsssut sass him b »ck. Why j tbea, I say. do we celebrate to- j day? Do you, any more than I | know what to-morrow might; bring? Do you realize the respon | sibiiity whieh the Hawaiian peo-; pie wiil lay bu sbouldcrs and i that / have to answer for all the ! iniquities. the and out-, r»ge whieh have been heaped ! ( an tbis naiion by you? Yon , 1 my friends ean celebrate . I thank you for nothing. lam going home to wait for the Mar- i iposa and then Iearn where in ! i the woods we are—we are not out | of thera yet. Good-night gentle-1 men! Cidi on Tim Murray for a | i speech! !