Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — Variations of a Jest. [ARTICLE]

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Variations of a Jest.

That there is very Iittle that is eew under the suu īs sbown perhaps more freqnently iu the jokes tbat are to)d thau in anything else. A story bas been going the rounds of l»te concerning the trepidation of a stnall boy, who upon being asked rather gruffly by bis scbool teacher who discovered America. began to whimper, and instinctively blurt ed out. 4 • P-ploaae. sir, it wasn*t rae!” This haa its connterpart in an amusing school-boy tale toid manv years ago by an £og!ish teacher who believed in powers of ihe birch to restore fading memon'. Havmg asked one of j his aehola» tne qnestious, j “Who made this glorions nni- j, vereef*’ the boy replied. “l—I I don‘t know. sir. r ’ ‘’Oome,** said ihe teacher. ; $ taking up hia «witcb. ‘yon mnst; Iknow. Teli me, or I shall whip , you!” | The boy looked at the whip a J , moaeni, and thea wilh a char i i acteriat(c anivel confc«sed. | “Pleaae. teacber. I d»d, bnt I won'l do it agaia.“ „ »