Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
— AXoTHEB pall nt tt* e poblic ; pjjrse is »ttempt©tl iu a n.*quest j bv tbe Fire Commiss5oDers for j $2.600 more. The boapff is pnre j lv pariissb xnd the Departnaent is deeply-dye<l with P- G. poli- , tics. No • For tiio j>ubl:c gooil" | thero. It 18 noticable that the flagpole | 8->ld by the Goverument lately toMr. John £*g.«a is a pieee of | proj>erty whieh the Gi>veruiiient • itself did not own. «t least there is an unjxiid bill of $750 in the | Fire Departmeut deficiency whieli rcads “Flagpole for No 1 $750.” The secret Leagne is uow beiug made use of by a large addition | of aunex!ition club merabers who \ are joiuing it with the avowed i iuteution of obtaining a raajority j and ruuning the organization to suit thtmselveft «nd to bouoce the original j»atriots if llioy heeoiue too exj>ressive. Sraith is iu for boodle, aud so is another man’s 800. The military display to-day was gorgeous indeed. After trotting around on Palaee Stjuare for a while the “army” sncceeded iu marchiog dowu to the HolomI'a olliee without the rauks breaking very badly. And in front thereof giviug a railitary salnto. Wo fully apj>reciate the compliment to our journal and hope to bo ahle shortly to recijuocato. The autiqnes and and horribles whieh as usually raade the town hideous with uoise this raorniug was the most horrible show of that kiud witncsscd in this city. It is evident that tho spirit of the P. G. is brooght to a pitch by artificial means, there is really no euthosiasin among the followers. They all wonder, and fear, what to morrow will bfing. We notice, with a great deal of grief. tii.it tbe leadingraen iu the goveruraeut do not shoulder a rausket aud dou a uniform, and thereby show their readiness to shed tbeir blooil for the holy cuuse. Where waa Captain beg panion iuinister Kiug, and Daraon or Smitlri £qna))y brilliant by their abseuce were Seuators Eua, 13rown Suhr, Mendonca, Bolte, Morgan and raany others. Even Heury Waterhouse h«s evidently refused to serve bis country (wherevor that raay l'e) except by prayers, but £mmeluth the true aml only patriot was there satisfied witb the rauk of sergeaut and vainly tiying to get his sawe<.l-otf legs to cover ns mueh ground iu one stride as the gigantio standard-bearer ean do. erily the iuirti»l appeamnoe of our urmy would entitle tbera to an engagoraeut—we dou’t moan a bloody one—but a payicg one ou some npera bootfe stago in Paris. For serious purjx>ses we sbon)d consider it the absolute duty of the men who poae at tbe head of tbe rerolutioa and pocket «11 tbe benefits to be at the head o( ihe defendants of their cause. But when guns •re around they are, as usual, out of sight. , 9 • Thk celebration by the P. 6. o( the first auuivers«ry of Mr. J. L. Stevens’ revolution does not meet with tbe approval of the meu who ostensible run thb goremmeni They don’t Uke to eount their ehiekena before they ere h«tcbed, but then Tim Morr»y*8 will raust be done! The poliiieal org«nixations desi» lo cadl PnUoe Square by the new naae of Unioe 8qoare.
\W * that if»ri uen naino ; h:is ljcoii seU'cte«l to sbow tbe , harro«*ny an»l nn;te»l f«ebngs whieh we aro to!d prevail in ihe j P. G. eamp- Anybody ooticing ; the consUnt bickeriug »nd d»ily | ; qoare)ling between Ihe secret ! ieagae and the gOTernaient, and helween the raissionaries and tbe club woald i»nagine tbat “Diacord Square” would be a . more appropriate name. But tben ihe “bhoys" hearts warm | to anrtbing witb a Union in it j from the Union Saloon to the i Union Church. — What ean be more characteri3- | tic of the “Auiericanism” of the so c,i! Ied‘ * Amene in’ ’ Leag«e than the ceremony attend»ng t!ie j hoisting of the American d.»g on tbe premises of Ihe Leagne this morning? It is claimed by the Le;tgue‘s organette tbat to-day is the Hmmiian Indei»eudtince day. Forthnt reason au Aruerican flag was hoisted under the salute of i Chin*** bombs while the flagpole i aud fl ig were washed ia Port ujiuse wine, aud salnted hy a little German l*and! | • Hawaiians have shown their j good sense and natural dignity j by absenting thenisqjves from the j P. G. celebrations The j revolution has been a farce froiu the beginning aud the fourth act is perfectly in accord with the preceeding acts. When the enrtain rises for the fifth act, we will all be there and listen to the linale. | A whilE ago Mr. Emmelulh coraplained loud)y becanse some church bells w'ore beiug rung rather early in the morning. j The eall to the holy services clisagreed with the polilieal tiuker and he claiuied that many people ! wero mueh annoyed by the dis- ; turking noise from the sacred buildings. This raorning we are iuformed Mr. E»fimeluth with small regard £or the reposo of his ■ ueighbors got up at about four o’eloek and fired from a eannon whieh protects his honse a royal sfilote of 21 guns. The neighbors were tbrown in to hysterics believingthatthe P. G. or Emmeluth 1 had broken loose. AsMr. Emme luth has more experience in the science of journaIism —by having managed the defunct “Kuokoa” —thau in artillery, it took him aomeiime* to loael and fire ofl his louo gun. The result w T as the salute was a funeral salute witb minute gnns. The deathknell of the P. G. by prophet Emmeluih. The fireworks display, if there is sufticient lumiuosity to them, ui iy be seeu by the many society ladies who have located them- . selves at out-of-town places for the express purpose of, as said, “avoiding contact with the rabble in the P. G. r»mks.” I ■ ■ 9 So called Americans, with socalled American officers bearing Hawaiian commisaions, carrying a Hawaiian flag whieh they are supposed io honor and defend, salutiug a secret j<olitical organization! “ What a sight was there my countrj men.” I